Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - H.323 Timers

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - H.323 Timers



You can configure various H.225 and H.245 timers used in H.323 Signaling.

If you make changes to the default timer values and then later delete the H.323 Timer object and then create a new one, the timer values will not be reset to the default values but will retain the values you entered. If you wish to revert to the default values you must do so manually.

Accessing this Pane

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Logical IMG -> Physical IMG -> Signaling -> H323 Signaling -> H323 Timers

Maximum Objects:

1 per H.323 Signaling object

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Configuring H.323 Signaling

Technical Notes:

When configuring H323 Timers, the following happens:

DataManager builds and sends a VOIP Protocol Configure message to the Logical IMG.  This message contains TLVs that convey the user-specified timer values from each field of this object.  Type your drop-down text here.

ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions:

To change any of the following Timers, click in the individual field and enter the new value.

H225 T301 (10 ms):

Timer T301 defines how long the calling element shall wait for the called element to respond. This timer starts when Alerting is received and normally terminates on Connect or when the caller terminates the call attempt and sends Release Complete. The valid range of values is 18000-65000 (10 ms).

H225 T303 (10 ms):

Timer T303 defines how long the calling element shall wait for an Alerting, Call Proceeding, Connect, Release Complete or other message from the called element after it has sent a Setup message. The valid range of values is 400-30000 (10 ms).

H225 T310 (10 ms):

Timer T310 defines how long the calling element shall wait for an Alerting, Connect, Release Complete or other message from the called element after it has received a Call Proceeding message. The valid range of values is 1000-60000 (10 ms).

H245 T101 (10 ms):

Timer T101 is used in the Capability Exchange procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no TerminalCapabilitySetAck or TerminalCapabilitySetReject message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-30000 (10 ms).

H245 T103 (10 ms):

Timer T103 is used in Unidirectional and Bidirectional Logical Channel Signaling procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no OpenLogicalChannelAck or OpenLogicalChannelReject or CloseLogicalChannelAck message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-30000 (10 ms).

H245 T105 (10 ms):

Timer T105 is used for Round-Trip Delay procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no RoundTripDelayResponse message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-5000 (10 ms).

H245 T106 (10 ms):

Timer T106 is used in the Master-Slave Determination procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no acknowledgement message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-30000 (10 ms).

H245 T108 (10 ms):

Timer T108 is used in the Close Logical Channel procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no RequestChannelCloseAck or RequestChannelCloseReject message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-30000 (10 ms).

H245 T109 (10 ms):

Timer is used in Mode Request procedure.  It specifies the maximum time during which no RequestModeAck or RequestModeReject message may be received. The valid range of values is 300-30000 (ms).

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