Web GUI Indicators
The Web GUI uses various icons to indicate the state of an object. Below is a table displaying the icons and a short description of each.
Icon | Description |
This icon indicates a Web GUI object has been created and is waiting for either configuration information to be input into the individual fields, or the object doesn't need any information entered into it and is awaiting to be committed. With the ICON in this state, the IMG 2020 does not know about the object being configured until after it has been committed. After entering all configuration information, select commit ( ) to send the configuration to the IMG 2020. | |
This icon indicates the Web GUI object has been created and the information in the individual fields of the object have been sent to the IMG 2020 and is configured. | |
The object being configured is in a cached state. The object has been committed but has not been sent to the IMG 2020. To send the configuration to the IMG 2020, click on the download button on either the object that is being configured or on the download button of the parent object. This will send the configuration to the switch. | |
The object has been configured and needs to be provisioned to the IMG 2020 by clicking on the download button within that object. | |
The object is waiting for a response from the switch after committing an object. | |
The configuration has been sent to the IMG 2020 and the object is being configured on the IMG 2020. | |
An error has occurred during the configuration of this object. Check the Event Viewer tab at the bottom of the screen for error log. | |
The dialog boxes to the left display the different states the object or node goes through while sending and receiving information to the node or object. | |
The license validation process has failed. Verify the required license is loaded on the license file located on the SD-card. Refer to the Licensing (Gateway Mode) or License Info topics for more information. | |
A hardware failure has occurred. Contact Dialogic Technical Support. |
Required Fields
When creating an object within the Web GUI, some fields are mandatory and information must be entered. These fields are outlined in red. When hovering over the field a dialog box displaying This field is required will appear. See capture below.
Maximum Characters
Each field within the object pane has a maximum number of characters that can be entered. When configuring an object and the maximum number of characters within that field has been exceeded, a Validation dialog box will appear when trying to commit the object. Refer to the screen capture below.
To verify the max number of characters for that field, click on OK and hover the mouse over the field in question and a dialog box will appear displaying the maximum number of characters allowed in that specific field.
Configuration Fields
Each pane or object in the Web GUI has multiple fields. The background color of the field describes what can be achieved in each field. Below is screen capture displaying the different colors/backgrounds of the individual fields and what each color represents.
Field Background Color | Description |
Green | Indicates a field that is not applicable because of other options selected OR has been committed and is read-only (cannot be modified). |
White | Indicates a field that can be configured or modified. Some of the fields that are initially white may change to green after the object has been committed. |
Yellow | Indicates a field that is for informational purposes only and can not be configured. |