Dialogic IMG - Create a New User

Dialogic IMG - Create a New User

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Follow the instructions below to create a new user and then log in using the new accounts username and password. Up to 20 new user accounts can be created.

Create account and assign rights and permissions

Follow the procedure below for instruction on how to create a new user account. The account being created will have configure and provisioning permissions but will not have administrative permissions

  • Right click on the Users object and select New User Info and the User Info screen will appear. Enter a User Name and User Password in the corresponding User Name and User Password fields. Refer to Username Password Rules topic.

  • The account being set up is a user account and not an administrative account. Leave the Admin field set to False.

  • This account will be able to configure the individual object so leave the Configure field set to True.

  • This account will be able to provision the IMG 2020 such as take links and spans in and out of service. Leave the field set to true (Provisioning entails the button functionality within the object pains.)

  • All accounts have monitoring permissions. No configuration is needed in the Monitor field. Commit the object and the new user will get created under the admin icon in the configuration tree.

Logon to newly created account and toggle Edit Mode

Once the account has been created, logon to the newly created account and toggle the edit mode so the new account has the ability to both configure and provision the IMG 2020.

  • Open a browser window and enter the IP address of the IMG 2020.

  • In the Login box that appears, enter the User Name and User Password information entered above.

  • Uncheck the "Request Configuration Rights" box in the login screen. Select OK.

Observe that at this point the new user can not create, edit, or delete anything within the Web GUI configuration tree or pane. This is because there is an admin user already logged into the same address and that user has the rights and permissions. To be able to get configuration rights and permissions either the admin user must give up its configuration rights or the admin user must log out. The next two sections describe how to approach getting configuration rights.


Admin user logs out of Web GUI application

  • Click over to the Web GUI application which was initially opened that has the administrative rights.

  • Log Off by clicking on the (Logout) icon located in the toolbar.

  • Click over to the Web GUI application initially opened as the New User. Notice that the menus are all still grayed out. At this point the new user still does not have administrative rights. Notice that the Edit Mode icon under the Management Tab displays a red circle with a slash going through it. This indicates that edit mode is disabled.

  • Click on the icon to enable edit mode for this user. The red circle will disappear indicating the new user is now in Edit Mode. The new user will now have configuration, monitor, and provision rights.

Admin user relinquishes its admin rights to the New User

If a new user wants to take configuration, monitor, and provision rights but the initial admin user wants to stay logged in, the admin user can relinquish the rights to the new user.

  • Click over to the Web GUI application which was initially opened that has the administrative rights.

  • Click on the Edit Mode button under the Management Tab to disable Edit Mode from administrative user. Edit Mode icon will have a circle with a slash going through it.

  • Click on the New User and enable Edit Mode by clicking on the Edit Mode button. Edit Mode icon will toggle from Edit Mode Disabled to Edit Mode Enabled.

  • At this point the New User created will have full configuration, provisioning, and monitoring privileges and the admin user will not be able to configure or provision the IMG 2020.

Admin User takes back admin privileges

After the New User gets configuration privileges the admin user can take back the privileges at any time by following the instructions below. Currently there is a New User and an Admin user logged into the IMG 2020 through the Web GUI application. The New User has configuration, provision, and monitoring privileges. The admin user wants to be able to take the privileges from the new user so the administrator now has the configuration, provision, and monitoring rights again. Follow procedure below.

  • As the admin user, remove the Edit Mode from all users by clicking on the Remove Edit Mode button .

At this point the Edit Mode icon on the New User will toggle from to indicating the New User is no longer in Edit Mode.

  • At this point, the admin user will still have the red circle with the slash through it indicating the admin users Edit Mode is still disabled. Click on the Edit Mode button and the icon will toggle back to Edit Mode enabled. The Admin user now has all its rights and privileges back.


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