Reject Call with a Cause Code

Reject Call with a Cause Code



Rejecting a call with a cause code allows the IMG 2020 to receive an incoming call, reject it, and respond with a pre-configured cause code specified by the user. This functionality is displayed in the Call Flow diagram below.

Call Flow Diagram


The configuration below covers the configuration of the feature above. It is assumed that the initial configurations such as Logical Node, Physical Node, Network Interfaces, Bearer Profiles, Facilities, Signaling and other initial configuration has already been configured. Refer to the Basic Configurations topic for information on configuring these objects. The procedure below will start from the Routing Configuration Pane within ClientView. The following configuration example will demonstrate a call coming into the IMG 2020 and it being rejected with Cause Code '003 - No Route To Destination'.

Create Incoming Channel Group

The first step would be to create an incoming Channel Group. The incoming Channel group would receive the incoming call and send the call to a Route Table which would then send call to a Route Table Entry. In this procedure the channel group being configured will be configured for SS7. However, the Reject with a Cause Code functionality can be configured on any protocol.

  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Routing Configuration. A Routing Configuration object will appear. The Routing Configuration object is a container or parent object and no configuration is required. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Configuring Routing topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups. A Channel groups container object is created. This object will allow multiple channel groups to be created under it. Again, no configuration is required in this object. Refer to the Channel Groups topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. A Channel Group object will appear. Enter a name that describes this channel group and set the Signaling Type to SS7_ISUP. The Incoming Channel Group in this example will be an SS7 Channel Group and be named ChGrp_SS7. Refer to the Channel Group topic for more information on configuring the SIP channel group.

  • The Channel Groups object will have a yellow exclamation point embedded in the icon in the configuration tree. This indicates the configuration has not been sent to the IMG 2020. Click on the Channel Groups object in the configuration tree and then click on the Download Resource Tables button. The configuration will at this point get sent to the IMG 2020 and the yellow exclamation point will disappear.

Create Route Table and Route Table Entries

Configure a Route Table and change the Route Action Type to Cause Code. Select which cause code will be used to reject the call.

  • Right click on Routing Configuration and select New Routing Tables. The Routing Tables object created is a parent or container object and no configuration is required in this object. The Routing Tables object which will allow multiple individual Routing Tables to be created beneath it. Refer to the Routing Tables topic for more information.

  • Right click on Routing Tables and select New Route Table. A Route Table object will get created. Enter a name that describes the route table being configured. In this example the name will be RT1_causecode_rej. Refer to the Route Table topic for more information on configuring the route table object.

  • Create a new Route Element under the Route Table by right clicking on Route Table and select New Route Element. A Route Element screen will appear. In the Route Criteria type, Dialed Number was accepted and a Router String to match was entered. However, any Route Criteria Type can be selected.

  • Select Cause Code from the drop down menu of the Route Action Type field.

  • Once the Route Action Type field is set to Cause Code, the field below it will change to Route Action List. Select from drop down menu which cause code to send with the rejected call. In this example 003-No Route to Destination was selected. Refer to screen capture below.

The Route Table object will have a yellow exclamation point embedded in the icon in the configuration tree. This indicates the configuration has not been sent to the IMG 2020. Click on the Route Table object in the configuration tree and then click on the Download Routing Table button. The configuration will at this point get sent to the IMG 2020 and the yellow exclamation point will disappear.

Configure Channel Group to access Route Table configured

Once the Route Table and Route Table Element are configured, the Route Table can then be linked to the SS7 Channel Group. In the SS7 Channel Group object created earlier, select from drop down menu of the Route Table field, the Route Table configured above. Refer to screen capture below.

By selecting the Route Table configured earlier, the rejected call with the Cause Code configured will be transmitted out this Channel Group in a response to the incoming call.

Flow of above Configuration

After configuring the Reject Call with a Cause Code feature above, the following bulleted list explains what happens once a call is received and rejected with the Cause Code configured.

  • Call comes into SS7 Channel Group labeled ChGrp_SS7. Within this Channel Group the Route Table field is set to RT1_causecode_rej - ID:5. This will send the call to that route table.

  • The Route Table, RT1_causecode_rej, has one Route Table Element in it. The call references this element and sees that if the first three digits of the router string received are 508, reject the call with the cause code configured. In the response to the incoming call, the Cause Code configured is then sent out the incoming channel group to the incoming party informing the party that there is "No Route to Destination".

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