Translation Element - Outgoing

Translation Element - Outgoing



The Translation Element pane is configured under the Translation Table object. The Translation Element adds an entry to the Translation Table being configured for translating digits on the outgoing leg of a channel group. Once the translation table (outgoing) is created, each Translation Element configured under it will define the digit processing attributes that the IMG 2020 uses to process digit strings on the outgoing leg of a channel group. The Translation Element defines the mechanism that the IMG 2020 uses for matching and translating digits on the outgoing leg of a channel group. Once the outgoing translation element pane has been added to a Translation Table, the Translation Table can be assigned to a specific channel group. The IMG 2020 supports creating up to 20 translation tables, with each table allowing up to 200 translation elements added to its list.

The translation fields which includes the String field, the Dialed Number Translation field, and the Billing Number Translation field all support a maximum of 32 digits.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Routing Configuration > Outgoing Translation Tables > Translation Table > New Translation Element


Maximum Objects

Up to 200 translation entries can be created per Translation Table

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Translation Element Pane differs depending on whether the entry being created is associated with an incoming or outgoing translation table. The incoming translation element supports both translation and error detection whereas the translation element on the outgoing leg of a channel group supports only translations. The translation element information below is for translations on the outgoing leg. For information on translations on the incoming leg of a channel group, refer to the Translation Element - Incoming topic.

Once the translation table and its elements have been created and configured the translation table will be selectable in either the incoming or outgoing translation table field within the Channel Group object. The next few topics below explain digit translation on the IMG 2020. It is highly recommended that they be read before proceeding on to configuring a Translation Entry

Translation Profiles

Translation Table

IMG 1010 - Digit Translation

Configure Digit Matching and Translation

Field Descriptions


The ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID and cannot be modified. This ID is used internally to identify this translation table entry.


Each individual Translation Element can be configured to be enabled or Disabled. With this option an entry can be created but does not need to be enabled. Any translation element can be enabled and disabled at any time. Select from a drop down menu either True or False.

True (Default) - If True is selected then the translation element is available for use on the outgoing leg of a channel group.

False - If False is selected then the translation element is not available for use on outgoing leg of a channel groups.

Translation Profile

The Translation Profile field is a drop down menu displaying all the Translation Profiles created under the Profiles object. The Translation Profiles in the pull down menu allow the user to add different Translation Profiles to the Translation Element object that is being created. Information such as Advanced Dialed Number Parameters, Advance Originating Number Parameters, and a host of other parameters having to do with the translation of parameters from one protocol to the other are added through this field.

Type of Operation

The IMG 2020 can perform a translation within an outgoing channel group and transmit the call out this channel group. The only choice from drop down menu is translation. See Below.

Translation - The IMG 2020 outgoing translation element can be configured to match on either a Dialed Number, Originating Number, or Generic Number. Once the String to Match and String fields have been matched, the translation of one of the parameters can be executed. Once number has been translated, the IMG 2020 then sends the call with the translated/modified number to an outgoing channel group.

String to Match

A call coming into the outgoing channel group can contain either a Dialed Number, Originating Number, Generic Number or some combination of the three. In order to translate one of the above numbers, the IMG 2020 needs to know which number the translation process will occur on. Select from drop down menu one of the options below. Once the String to Match field is configured, then the String field below can be populated with the actual digit string the outgoing channel group needs to match on.

Dialed Number - Match the Dialed Number Parameter against the value in the String field below. The Dialed Number is the called party number.

Originating Number - Match the Originating Number Parameter against the value in the String field. The originating number is generally the calling party number.

Generic Number - Match the Generic Number Parameter against the value in the String field below. The Generic Number is offered to callers who wish to use a presentation/display number which is different than their main number.


The digit string mask entered in the String field is compared to the Dialed, Originating, or Generic Number sent to the outgoing leg of the channel group. If the string entered in the String field matches either the Dialed, Originating, or Generic Number then the number will be translated to the value which is entered in the Dialed # Translation, Originating # Translation, or the Generic Number Translation fields described below. The Digit String Mask supports the use of wild–cards within the string. Below is short explanation on how to use wild–cards in the String field. For more information on using wild–cards in the String field refer to the Wildcards for Translation topic.

Digits and wild-cards can be used in the string field. The values entered in this field are processed as strings not numbers. Enter values accordingly.

  • The pound (#) character is generally used to terminate a digit string.

  • The asterisk (*) character is generally used to trigger a service, such as *70 to disable call waiting.

Internally the IMG 2020 maps the asterisk (*) character to a value of hexadecimal 0x0e and the pound (#) character to hexadecimal 0x0f. This mapping can sometimes result in improper digit processing if your digit strings contain hexadecimal 0x0e or 0x0f.

  • The ampersand (&) specifies that all remaining digits can have any value. Ex. 508&

Match Channel Group (This field is for incoming channel groups only)

A drop down menu in this field will display all the channel groups configured. Select the channel group from this list.

Dialed # Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on a Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the Dialed Number Translation field will either translate an existing Dialed Number or add a Dialed Number to the outgoing ISUP IAM message. If this field is left empty, the translation would result in a null string. Refer to the Advanced Dialed Number Parameter topic for more information on translating specific parameters such as Nature Of Address, Numbering Plan Indicator, or INN Indicator within the Generic Number.

Originating # Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on a Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the Originating Number Translation field will either translate an existing Originating Number or add an Originating Number to the outgoing ISUP IAM message. If this field is left empty then the translation would result in a null string. Refer to the topic for more information on translating specific parameters such as the Nature Of Address, Numbering Plan Indicator, Calling Party Category, Number Incomplete Indicator, Screening Indicator, or Presentation Indicator within the Originating Number. 

The IMG 2020 has an added feature which allows an incoming ANI (Originating Number) to be translated when it is blank or null. Follow the steps below to translate a blank or null originating number parameter to the value entered in the Originating # Translation field.

  • Select Originating Number from the drop down menu of the String to Match field.

  • Enter the wildcard v option in the String field.

  • Enter the new digits in the Originating # Translation field.

Once accomplished the IMG 2020 will translate a blank or null ANI into the number entered in the Originating # Translation field.

Generic Number Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on a Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the Generic Number Translation field will either translate an existing Generic Number or add a Generic Number to the outgoing ISUP IAM message. Refer to the Advanced Generic Number Translation topic for more information on translating specific parameters such as Number Qualifier Indicator, Nature Of Address, Numbering Plan Indicator, Number Incomplete Indicator, Screening Indicator, or Presentation Indicator within the Generic Number.

Billing Number Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on a Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the Billing Number Translation field will either translate an existing Billing/Charge Number or add a Billing/Charge Number to the outgoing ISUP IAM message. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Advanced Billing Number Translation topic for more information on translating specific parameters such as Nature of Address, Numbering Plan, or International Number Indicator.

The WildCard symbol $ can be used to append Dialed Numbers, Originating Numbers, or Generic Numbers. Refer to the Wildcards for Translation topic.

Carrier Number Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on a Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the Carrier Translation field will be inserted into the Transient Network Selection (TNS) parameter in the outgoing SS7 IAM message. The digits entered into the Carrier Number Translation field replaces the incoming Carrier Number digits. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Advanced Carrier Number Translation topic for more information on replacing specific parameters such as Network Identification, Network Plan Identification, or Circuit Code. 

Info Digits Translation

When the String To Match and String fields above match on an Dialed, Generic, or Originating Number the string entered into the INFO Digits Translation field will get inserted into the Originating Line Info Parameter (OLIP) in the outgoing SS7 IAM message. The digits entered into the INFO Digits Translation field replaces the incoming OLIP parameter.

Re-Run Option

The Re-run field gives the IMG 2020 the ability to match on two separate parameters and then translate each. The way in which the re-run option functions is as described below:

  1. A call would come into the IMG 2020. The IMG 2020 is configured so that the outgoing leg of the channel group would have the String To Match field set to Dialed Number and that string is 508$. The call gets to the outgoing leg of the channel group and the dialed number gets translated to 617&.

  2. A second Translation Element must be configured within the same translation table that has the String to Match field set to either Originating Number or Generic Number. All fields in this second translation element must be configured to translate either the Generic Number or Originating Number.

  3. If the Re-run option is set to Originating Number, then a second translation would take place on the Originating number using the second translation element which has the originating number being translated. The same would be true if Generic Number was selected in the re-run option.The Re-run option is valid only if the Type of Operation field in both Translation Elements is set to Translation and the first translation on the outgoing side of the channel group is executed on a Dialed Number. Click in the Re-Run option field and a drop down menu will offer the following selections:

None (Default) - This is the default. The Re-run functionality is disabled.

Originating Number - After the initial Dialed Number translation, look through all entries under the translation table for one that is translating the Originating Number. Once this translation entry is identified, execute the translation.

Generic Number - After the initial Dialed Number translation, look through all entries under the translation table for one that is translating the Generic Number. Once this translation entry is identified, execute the translation.

See Advanced Generic Number Translation link for an example on how the Re-run option is configured. 

Second String for Translation

The info digits are included within the Originating Line Info Parameter (OLIP) that is received from the SS7 side. ANSI protocol variants require including the Charge Number parameter whenever the Originating Line Info Parameter is included in the IAM. The IMG 2020 can also match on the Info digits received within the ISUP MIME body included in a SIP message when SIP-T is enabled.

Second String

This field is not selectable unless either Info Digits or Originating Number Category is selected from the previous field labeled Second String for Translation. Enter a string to represent either the Info Digits or the Originating Number Category. Valid characters are J and K. The Info Digits may appear anywhere in the translation numbers, however if the same variable is repeated, JJ or KK, the digits must appear together in the translation numbers. To identify and treat the Info Digits separately, they must be defined as JK or KJ.

The Secondary String information is only for building the translation numbers; the IMG 2020 will not search based on them.

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