SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - TMR-USI Override



The Transmission Medium Requirement is information sent in the forward direction indicating the type of transmission medium required for the connection. TMR is supported in ITU-T networks only. The User Service Information is information sent in the forward direction indicating the bearer capability requested by the calling party and including as a minimum, the coding standard and information transfer capability, transfer mode, and information transfer rate. USI is supported in ANSI networks only. Use the fields below to select the Transmission Medium and User Service Information parameters.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > SS7 > SS7 Network > SS7 Stack > SS7 Destination > ISUP Group > New TMR-USI Override

Maximum Objects

One TMR USI Override object per ISUP group

Related Topics and Dependencies

The TMR USI Override object is created under an specific ISUP Group. The TMR USI Override object is used to either override or ignore one or all of the TMR USI parameters in any calls that use this ISUP Group. The complete SS7 network along with all of its objects must first be configured. Once they are configured, the TMR USI Override can be created and configured. The Default setting is to Ignore overriding the parameters.

ISUP Group

Configure SS7

Field Descriptions

Transmission Medium Requirement Override

Select from drop down menu the Transmission Medium of the outgoing call. The choices are displayed below. Supported in ITU only.


Ignore (default)


64 kbit/s unrestricted

3.1 khz audio

Alternate Speech

Alternate 64kbit/s unrestricted

2x64kbit/s unrestricted

384kbit/s unrestricted

Coding Standard

Information sent in association with a parameter (e.g. cause indicators) identifying the standard in which the parameter format is defined. Select from drop down menu. The choices are displayed below


Ignore (default)

ITU-T standardized

ISO/IEC Standard

National standard

Standard for Network Side of Interface

Information Transfer Capability

Information sent in the forward direction indicating the type of transmission medium required for the connection. Select from drop down menu. The choices are displayed below


Ignore (default)


Unrestricted Digital Info

Restricted Digital Info

3.1 kHz audio

Unrestricted Digital with tones/announcements


Transfer Mode

Information sent in the forward direction indicating circuit or packet transfer mode. Select from drop down menu. The choices are displayed below


Ignore (default)

Circuit Mode

Packet Mode

User information layer 1 protocol

Select from drop down menu the layer 1 Information of the outgoing call. The choices are displayed below. Supported in ANSI only.


Ignore (default)

G.711 u-law

G.711 A-law


H.221 or 242

H.223 or 245



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