Advanced Originating Number Parameter
The Originating Number or Original Called Number parameter is located in the ISUP messaging and displays information on the original called number after a call has been redirected. The IMG 2020 can be configured so the outgoing information such as Nature of Address, Numbering Plan Indicator, Calling Party Category, Number Incomplete Indicator, Screening Indicator, and Presentation Indicator can be translated. The settings selected in each of the fields will be included in the Originating Number Parameter if the Originating # Translation field in the Translation Table Element being configured is populated with an outgoing number. With Originating Number Parameter, the IMG 2020 will match and translate the values of various parameters set in this object.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Profiles > Translation Profiles > Translation Profile > New Advanced Originating Number Parameter
Maximum Objects
One Advanced Originating Number Parameter per Translation Entry
Related Topics and Dependencies
Before configuring the Advanced Originating Number Translation object, the following parameters in the Translation Element object need to be configured for the Advanced Translation to be applied.
The Type of Operation field in the Translation Element object must be set to Translation.
The String To Match field in the Translation Element object needs to be configured for the parameter to be translated.
The String field below the String to Match field must have the digits to match entered.
Once the Originating # Translation is populated then all other fields within the Advanced Originating Number Translation object can be modified.
Translation Element - Incoming
Translation Element - Outgoing
Configure Digit Matching and Translation
Field Descriptions
Nature of Address
Specifies the way in which a number is characterized to an SS7 network for call setup. The selections below indicate what to translate the Nature of Address Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | Reserved |
001 | Subscriber Number |
002 | Unknown - National Use |
003 | National Number |
004 | International Number |
005 | Network Specific Number |
006-112 | Unknown NOA |
113 | Subscriber Number - Operator Requested |
114 | National Number - Operator Requested |
115 | International Number - Operator Requested |
116 | No Number Present - Operator Requested |
117 | No Number Present - Cut Through |
118 | 905 Call |
119 | Test Call |
120-127 | Unknown NOA |
N/A | No Translation |
Numbering Plan Indicator
Specifies the numbering plan to which a number conforms. The selections below indicate what to translate the Numbering Plan Indicator Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | Unknown |
001 | ISDN/Telephony |
002 | Unknown |
003 | Data Numbering Plan |
004 | Telex Numbering Plan |
005-007 | Unknown |
N/A | No Translation |
Calling Party Category
Identifies the category with which a call is associated. The selections below indicate what to translate the Calling Party Category Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | Unknown |
001 | Operator - French Language |
002 | Operator - English Language |
003 | Operator - German Language |
004 | Operator - Russian Language |
005 | Operator - Spanish Language |
006-008 | Operator - Unspecified Language |
009 | National Operator |
010 | Ordinary Calling Subscriber |
011 | Calling Subscriber with Priority |
012 | Data Call - Voice band data |
013 | Test Call |
014 | Unknown |
015 | Payphone |
016-254 | Unknown |
N/A | No Translation |
Number Incomplete Indicator
Specifies whether the digits dialed by the calling party constitute a complete number. The selections below indicate what to translate the Number Incomplete Indicator Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | Number is complete |
001 | Number is Incomplete |
N/A | No Translation |
Screening Indicator
Specifies whether the location information was provided by the user or by the network, as well as the quality of the information. The selections below indicate what to translate the Screening Indicator Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | User Provided - Not Screened |
001 | User Provided - Verified and Passed |
002 | User Provided - Verified and Failed |
003 | Network Provided |
N/A | No Translation |
Presentation Indicator
Specifies whether the IMG 2020 can display the calling party number on the called party Caller ID screen. The selections below indicate what to translate the Presentation Indicator Parameter to.
ID | Translation |
000 | Presentation Allowed - The IMG 2020 can display the calling party number. |
001 | Presentation Restricted - The IMG 2020 cannot display the calling party number. |
002 | Address Not Available - The calling party number is not available to display. |
003 | Spare |
N/A | No Translation |
SI/PI Priority
When Privacy is enabled the value of the incoming screening and presentation indicator parameters from the Remote Party ID can either be passed through from SIP to SS7 unchanged or the parameters can be translated to the values selected in the Screening and/or Presentation Indicator. Before this field functionality was added, when Privacy was enabled, the value of the screening indicator and presentation indicators would be passed from SIP to SS7 unchanged no matter what the fields in the Screening Indicator and Presentation Indicator were configured for. The feature is configured so that with Privacy Enabled, the parameters can be modified before being sent to the SS7 side. For more information including call flows, tables, and configuration refer to the topic.
Disable (Default)- The new functionality is disabled. When Privacy Support is enabled, the value of the screening indicator and/or presentation indicator in the RP-ID header will be passed from the SIP network to the SS7 Network unchanged. The settings in the screening and presentation indicator fields above have no affect.
Enable- The new functionality is enabled. When Privacy Support is enabled, the value of both the presentation indicator and screening indicator in the RP-ID Header on the incoming SIP side will be overridden by the setting in the presentation and screening indicator fields above and then sent to the SS7 side modified.