Nature Of Address Values Table
The table below displays the values in the Nature Of Address field
Value | Nature Of Address | Description |
000 | Reserved |
001 | Subscriber Number | The number represents a subscriber’s location. |
002 | Unknown: National Use |
003 | National Number | The number represents a national carrier. |
004 | International Number | The number represents an international carrier. |
005 | Network Specific number | The number represents a specific network. |
006 - 112 | Unknown NOA |
113 | Subscriber Number - Operator Requested | The number represents a calling party request for operator assistance with a subscriber number. The number is a non-unique subscriber number. |
114 | National Number - Operator Requested | The number represents a calling party request for operator assistance with a national number. |
115 | International Number - Operator Requested | The number represents a calling party request for operator assistance with an international number. The number is a non-unique national number. |
116 | No Number Present - Operator Requested | The calling party requests operator assistance. The number is a non-unique international number. |
117 | No Number Present - Cut Through | No number is present, so the call should be cut-through to the carrier. |
118 | 905 Call | The number represents a calling card or other enhanced service call made through a local exchange carrier’s public telephone or through a carrier end-office. |
119 | Test Call | The number represents a call that is made to test a circuit. |
120 - 127 | Unknown NOA |