Front panel and Ethernet port LEDs
This article explains how to interpret the front panel and Ethernet port status LEDs on both the Dialogic 1000 Media Gateway Series (DMG1000) and the Dialogic 2000 Media Gateway Series (DMG2000).
Front panel indicator
Green LED Off: No link.
Green LED On: Link is active.
Green LED Flashing: Link is active and there is traffic on the link. The flash rate is determined by the amount of network traffic: more traffic implies a higher traffic rate.
Indicators on the Ethernet connector
Green LED Off: No link.
Green LED On: Link is active.
Green LED Flashing: Link is active and there is traffic on the link. The flash rate is determined by the amount of network traffic: more traffic implies a higher rate.
Yellow/Orange LED Off: Link is inactive (if green LED is also off) or (if green LED is on) link is operating in Half-duplex mode and no collisions are occurring.
Yellow/Orange LED On: Link is operating in Full-duplex mode.
Yellow/Orange LED Flashing: Link is operating in Half-duplex mode and one or more collisions have occurred. Flash rate is determined by the collision rate: a higher flash rate implies a higher collision rate.
What to look for in case of issues with degraded voice quality
The key indicator to look for is the yellow/orange LED on the DMG 1000 or DMG 2000 Ethernet port.
If the yellow/orange LED indicates that the port is operating in Full-duplex when the Ethernet switch to which the port is connected is configured for Half-duplex (or vice-versa), then excessive collisions or errors may be caused which may result in degraded voice quality.