SDK & CAPI: Using Analog 4P card

The Diva Analog 4P is detected as a single controller with 4 bearer channels corresponding to the 4 ports, respectively.

Software developers can develop applications based on Diva Media Boards using either CAPI interface or the Diva SDK. 

Some applications may need to address a specific port, and not the controller itself, when issuing a CONNECT_REQ.

Developing using the CAPI interface, the selection of the port (i.e. the channel) requires the definition of the Channel ID Information Element, as indicated in the piece of code below: 

byte iepattpri[]={04,00,3,0xa9,0x83,0x85}; byte ie[20]; byte size;   // 'chan' = channel number 1..n   cx = (byte)chan & 0x7F; ie[0] = size = sizeof(iepattpri); CopyMemory(&ie[1],iepattpri,size); ie[6] = 0x80 | cx;


When using the Diva SDK, the only addition to the code is the channel selection function below:

DivaCallPropertyValue *value = (DivaCallPropertyValue*) ie; res = DivaSetCallProperties( divacall, DivaCPT_B_ChannelInfo, value, size+1);


the Information Element used for an Analog card is the same as that for a BRI ISDN adapter.

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