Dialogic Voice Cards - Alarm Handling in Global Call
This article lists the types of alarms that are available for each technology and provides tips on what to do to resolve an alarm.
1. Analog
Analog alarms are not handled by the Dialogic Global Call Alarm Management System (GCAMS), and are therefore not configurable. They will throw a GCEV_BLOCKED event and then return with a GCEV_UNBLOCKED event once cleared. When an unexpected GECV_BLOCKED occurs, you should check the wiring connections to the Dialogic board.
2. T1/E1 CAS/R2/ISDN
These alarms are all handled by GCAMS, so that they can be configured to send a GCEV_BLOCKED event to your application. Refer to Chapter 8 of the Dialogic Global Call API Programming Guide for more information.
Alarm | T1 | E1 | Definition | Recovered Event | ||
| CAS | ISDN | CAS/R2 | ISDN |
| JCT | JCT | JCT | JCT |
B8ZSD | x | x |
| Bipolar Eight Zero Encoding is detected | *_B8ZSDOK |
BPVS | x | x | x | x | Bipolar Violations counter becomes saturated | *_BPVSOK |
| x | x | CRC4 Error counter becomes saturated | *_CECSOK |
| Timeslot 16 received all 1s for frames of two consecutive multiframes | *_CRC_CFAOK |
| D-Channel is out of service (unable to send call control messages) | *_DCHAN_CFAOK |
DPM | x | x | x | x | Failure of the driver's tip and ring output monitor is detected | *_DPMOK |
ECS | x | x | x | x | General Error counter is saturated | *_ECSOK |
FERR | x |
| Frame Bit Error | *_FERROK |
| x |
| Frame Sync Error | *_FSERROK |
LOS | x | x | x | x | Loss of Signal Error | *_LOSOK |
| Loopback (Diagnostic) Mode is configured | *_LOOPBACK_CFAOK |
| x | x | Multiframe Sync Error | *_MFSERROK |
OOF | x | x |
| Out of Frame Error counter is saturated | *_OOFOK |
RBL | x | x |
| Blue Alarm/Transmit Alarm is detected | *_RBLOK |
RCL | x | x |
| Carrier Loss is detected | *_RCLOK |
| x | x | Distant Multiframe Sync Error | *_RDMAOK |
RED | x | x | x | x | Red Alarm/No Sync detected | *_REDOK |
RLOS | x | x | x | x | Remote Loss of Sync Error | *_RLOSOK |
| x | x | Alarm on Remote side detected | *_RRAOK |
RSA1 |
| x | x | Received Signalling All 1s error | *_RSA1OK |
RUA1 |
| x | x | Received Unframed All 1s error | *_RUA1OK |
RYEL | x | x |
| Yellow Alarm/Remote Alarm detected | *_RYELOK |
The complete alarm names have a prefix that signifies the technology. For instance: DTT1_RYEL is a T1 alarm and DTE1_RUA1 is an E1 alarm.
Alarm Resolution
Check the configuration for the interface to make sure it matches the other side of the connection. Go through the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) and make sure that the format and protocol settings agree with the settings on the line.
Check the wiring between the Dialogic board and the demarcation point (or other end point) - make sure it is complete and undamaged.
Call your service provider – if the wiring and configuration is correct, then there may be issues on the Service Provider side of the connection
3. IP QoS
These alarms are activated by counters set to alert the application when thresholds set by the user are exceeded
EVT_DTMFDISCARDED - alarm indicating # of lost DTMF digits that were lost or unprocessed
EVT_LOSTPACKETS - # of packets lost during the call
EVT_JITTER – Average jitter rate since beginning of call
Alarm Resolution
Check the quality of the network, making sure there are no bottleneck points or latency issues.
Product List
Dialogic D/240JCT-T1 Media Board
Dialogic D/480JCT-1T1 Media Board
Dialogic D/480JCT-2T1 Media Board