Setting DXBD_MINLCOFF to 0 disables LCOFF events
The parameter DXBD_MINLCOFF is used to define the amount of time that loop current must be down before receiving an LCOFF event. Setting this parameter to 0 stops LCOFF events from being received by the application.
Reason for the issue
Setting DXBD_MINLCOFF to 0 disables LCOFF events.
The following code shows this parameter being set to 0:
short sParm = 0;
dx_setparm(dev, DXBD_MINLCOFF, &sParm);
Also note that in order to receive LCOFF events, DM_LCOFF must be specified in dx_setevtmsk().
Fix / Solution
Two possible solutions:
Don't set this parameter. Allow the default to remain in effect. This is usually sufficient to identify loop current drop. Â
If the parameter must be modified, set it to a positive number.
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