CG Boards in Sun Solaris Multi-Root Chassis


When multiple Dialogic CG 6000 Series Media Boards are installed on some Multi-Root PCI bus Sun Solaris 64-bit chassis, such as the Sun Netra 440, some of the boards may be assigned identical bus and slot numbers. Support for these Solaris systems was added in NA 2005-1 SP2.

Fix / Solution

If only one type of board is being used in the system (all AG series or all CG series), the respective drivers will sort the numbering out by themselves. No action is required.

If both types of boards (AG series and CG series) are installed in the same chassis, the following procedure may be neccessary if identical bus and slot numbers are assigned.

The AG series driver needs to adopt a different board numbering scheme.
The following line should be added to /usr/kernel/drv/aghw.conf :



This will force the aghw driver (the AG series board driver) to use a different numbering scheme.
Reboot the host system to enable this change.
After the system reboot, use the blocate utility instead of the pciscan utility to gather virtual bus and slot locations of AG series boards.
After the system reboot, use the cg6ktool -A utility to gather virtual bus and slot locations of CG series boards instead of the pciscan utility.

Product List

Dialogic CG 6060 Media Board
Dialogic CG 6565 Media Board
Dialogic CG 4040 Media Board


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