Diva LineTest: Outbound Fax Test fails
Issue Description
When attempting to make a fax call using the Dialogic® Diva® LineTest utility, there may be situations in which the utility is not able to send fax to some destinations.
Reason for the Issue
The LineTest utility that comes with the Dialogic Diva System Release in versions up to 8.5.4 has a hard-coded connect timeout of 12 seconds. Therefore, when calling fax end points such as multi-purpose machines or fax systems that take many rings before answering the call, the LineTest utility may timeout and end the call.
Whenever the timeout limitation is suspected to be causing the connection failure, the user may try one of the following two options:
Use one of the sample outbound applications that come with the Dialogic Diva Software Development Kit (SDK), such as the FaxOutSimple.
Use the attached version of the LineTest utility ( ), which has a connection timeout value of 25 seconds.
This attached version ( ) will be included in a future release of the Dialogic® Diva® Server System Release software.