Sangoma provides the official support and development of the FreePBX EcoSystem, which now encompasses millions of systems worldwide. Over the years we have tested, experimented with, and utilized various monitoring and management tools with the same results every time. These tools are very restrictive and unpleasant to configure as well as easily overwhelmed with a high number of clients and monitored services. Most importantly they were not easily implemented nor designed for the PBX environment. M3 is going to change all of that! M3 will provide you with a professional management tool for managing groups and multiple installs of FreePBX or other compatible servers. Going beyond basic monitoring, M3 will provide organizations insight and management tools to deploy changes and updates before problems affect critical business processes.


M3 is a experimental Beta product at this time and we do not provide any support on the product.  We are working on a Version 2 of M3 after 6 months of customer feedback and hope to have something out in the near future.

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