Media Transcoding Cards - FreeSWITCH D500 PCI Express Distributed Operation
The sngtc_server needs to be started before transcoding can be done. Below is the usage of the sngtc_server_ctrl command.
--> sngtc_server_ctrl (start|stop|restart)
Note by default this script is started on system boot.
To enable FreeSWITCH to connect to the sngtc_server and then to the transcoder you will need to have the module mod_sangoma_codec loaded. To load the module run the command below.
FreeSWITCH CLI> load
Note the step above shows you how to auto load this on FreeSWITCH start.
To status the mod_sangoma_codec module use the commands below:
FreeSWITCH CLI> show codecs
Several codecs will be listed, all codecs prefixed with "Sangoma" are registered by the module, for example: "Sangoma G729" or "Sangoma G.726 32k".
FreeSWITCH CLI> sangoma_codec sessions
This command will show all current RTP transcoding sessions created by FreeSWITCH along with some statistics about Rx/Tx and lost RTP packets and read average times that can be used for debugging purposes. The first column show the session unique identifier for the transcoding session, you can use that identifier to query more information about that particular session using "sangoma_codec stats"
FreeSWITCH CLI> sangoma_codec stats <session number>
This command will show the FreeSWITCH RTP statistics in the transcoding sessions. Each transcoding session has a RTP connection associated. You can dump the RTP counters with this command
FreeSWITCH CLI> sangoma_codec settings
This command will show each vocallo configured settings