Open Source - DAHDI configuration in AsteriskNOW with FreePBX

Open Source - DAHDI configuration in AsteriskNOW with FreePBX

Affected Products

  • FreePBX on AsteriskNOW 1.7.1

  • TDM410/AEX410

  • TDM800/AEX800

  • TDM2400/AEX2400

  • TE122/TE121

  • TE2xx/TE4xx


These installation instructions assume you are working with a fresh install of AsteriskNOW 1.7.1 and you've selected FreePBX as your administration graphical user interface (GUI).  To set up your DAHDI devices, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into the FreePBX administrator panel (by default the login username is 'freepbx' and the password is 'fpbx')

  2. Click on the Admin tab at the top of the screen.

  3. Click the Setup tab on the left menu bar

  4. Under the Basic heading, click DAHDi.

  5. The DAHDI hardware should appear under the appropriate heading.  Click Edit to modify the properties of a given hardware span (or group of ports for FXO/FXS).  Note, if the DAHDI hardware does not appear here, please call Digium Technical Support.

    1. For Digital hardware, administrators should follow the documentation of the device on the far end equipment (typically the telco if connecting directly to the PSTN).  Clicking the Edit link will give the following list:

      1. Alarms (unconfigurable, shows the alarm state of the span [Red, Yellow, OK/Green, Blue])

      2. Framing/Coding

        • T1:   either ESF/B8ZS or D4/AMI

        • E1:   either CCS/HDB3 or CAS/AMI

      3. Channels (unconfigurable, set by jumpers on board--see card manual for details)

        • 23/24 (T1)

        • 30/31 (E1)

      4. Signalling

        • PRI - Net

        • PRI - CPE

        • E & M

        • E & M -- Wink

        • E & M -- fead(DTMF)

        • FXOKS

        • FXOLS

      5. Switchtype

        • National ISDN 2 (default)

        • Nortel DMS100

        • AT&T 4ESS

        • Lucent 4ESS

        • EuroISDN

        • Old National ISDN 1

        • Q.SIG

      6. Sync/Clock Source

        • 0  (internally clocked/providing timing to far end)

        • 1 (primary receiver of timing from far end)

        • 2 (secondary receiver of timing from far end)

        • 3 (tertiary receiver of timing from far end)

        • etc.

      7. Line Build Out

        • 0 dB (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)

        • 133-266 feet (DSX-1)

        •  266-399 feet (DSX-1)

        • 399-533 feet (DSX-1)

        • 533-655 feet (DSX-1)

        • -7.5 dB (CSU)

        • -15dB (CSU)

        • -22.5dB (CSU)

      8. Pridialplan

        • National

        • Dynamic

        • Unknown

        • Local

        • Private

        • International

      9. Prilocaldialplan

        • National

        • Dynamic

        • Unknown

        • Local

        • Private

        • International

      10. Group:  set to a group number so it can be referred to as a block in dialplan (see below).

      11. Context:  set to dialplan context to handle inbound calls (by default this is from-pstn)

      12. Channels:  set to the number of channels of the span you wish to include in this group

      13. Click Submit to complete the modification of the digital span

    2. For analog hardware, do the following:

      • For each FXO channel:

      1. Set the signaling (Kewl start or Loop Start)

      2. Set the Group number (so the channel can be referred to as a set)

      3. Set the context for incoming calls (from-analog by default)

      • For each FXS channel:

      1. Set the signaling (Kewl start or Loop Start)

      2. Set the Group number (so the channel can be referred to as a set)

    3. For trunk interfaces (T1/E1/FXO), be sure to set up a Zap Trunk (DAHDI compatibility mode)

      • Optional:  provide Trunk Description

      • Optional:  provide Outbound Caller ID

      • Set your CID options

      • Optional:  set maximum channels to be used by trunk

      • Optional:  set Disable Trunk flag

      • Optional:  set Monitor Trunk Failures and provide an AGI script that will handle it

      •  Set your Outgoing dialing rules (use the Dial Rules Wizards if necessary)

      • Set the Outbound Dial Prefix

      • Set the trunk name (gX by default).  Note that this corresponds to the group definition for the Dial() command in Asterisk internally, so 'g' starts outbound calls from 1 and counts up, 'G' goes from the top and works down to 1, 'r' and 'R' are similar to 'g' and 'G' except the channels get used in a round-robin fashion.  See the annotated chan_dahdi.conf file from the Asterisk source.

    4. After all changes have been made, be sure to click Apply Configuration Changes before testing your analog or digital devices.

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