Call Popup into Salesforce CRM with SCD

Call Popup into Salesforce CRM with SCD

Your PBX must be set up for https before anything else. Salesforce requires use of an https address for callbacks.

See the instructions for https setup

You must setup the salesforce connected app prior to setting up the module

See the instructions for Salesforce configuration

You must setup the SCD module and have an user registered with SCD.

Configuration of Salesforce call popup functionality with SCD

  1. After successfully logging into the SCD (Sangoma Connect Desktop) application, go to settings by clicking on the profile icon located in the top right corner, followed by selecting the "Settings" option, as shown in the screenshot below.




  1. Now, enable the call pop-up settings and enter the PBX URL for call pop-up, along with the required parameters, as illustrated below.


Screenshot 2024-04-02 1759231.png

The URL format should match the below format.


Replace your FPBXIP and token in the above mentioned URL format.

To obtain the token, please log in to your PBX CLI, connect to the Asterisk database, and execute the following query.

SELECT val FROM kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm WHERE `key` = 'redirectToken';

If no token is found in the database, then hit the mentioned URL by replacing your PBX IP along with a dummy token in any of the web browsers. This action will generate a new token in the database, allowing you to retrieve it using the same query.

  1. After successfully configuring the call pop-up URL in your Sangoma phone application, you will observe the redirection to Salesforce CRM with a popup upon receiving an inbound call to a registered extension or user in SCD.



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