PBX GUI - Calendar Google

PBX GUI - Calendar Google

This is a read-only calendar. You can only add events on the remote calendar.

Google Calendars use the iCal standard format. This guide will walk you through how to use a Google calendar in the Calendar module using the iCal format.

For more information about the Calendar iCal see Calendar iCal

Add a Google Calendar

Login to your Google Calendar account

image2017-3-15 16_19_19.png


From the calendar list on the left click the expand arrow to bring up more settings. Click "Calendar Settings"

image2017-3-15 16_10_29.png


In the Calendar Details screen look for "Private Address". Notice that it has an ICAL logo. 

image2017-3-15 16_14_32.png


image2017-3-15 16_13_20.png


Click the ICAL button.

image2017-3-15 16_15_29.png


Copy the ical link (don't click it as that will just download the file). Now go to the calendar module. Click "Add Remote iCal Calendar"

image2017-3-14 23_43_40.png


  • Name: The name of the calendar

  • Description: The description of the calendar

  • Remote URL: The ical link you copied from above

  • Synchronization Time: How often to sync the remote Google calendar with the local calendar

image2017-3-15 11_39_23.png


Click save and your google events will now show up in your local calendar and will update based on your synchronization time settings.


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