PBX GUI - Follow Me User Guide
- 1 Follow Me Module in PBX GUI Version 13
- 2 Follow Me Module in PBX GUI Software Version 12
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 Logging In
- 2.3 Setting Up Follow Me
- 2.3.1 Edit Follow Me
- Disabled
- Initial Ring Time
- Ring Strategy
- ringallV2
- ringall
- hunt
- memoryhunt
- firstavailable
- firstnotonphone
- *-prim
- Ring Time (max 60 sec)
- Follow-Me List
- Announcement
- Play Music on Hold
- CID Name Prefix
- Alert Info
- 2.3.2 Call Confirmation Configuration
- Confirm Calls
- Remote Announce
- Too-Late Announce
- 2.3.3 Change External CID Configuration
- Mode
- Default
- Fixed CID Value
- Outside Calls Fixed CID Value
- Use Dialed Number
- Force Dialed Number
- Fixed CID Value
- Destination if no answer
- Mode
- 2.3.4 Save
- 2.3.1 Edit Follow Me
Follow Me Module in PBX GUI Version 13
New in FreePBX 13
The Follow Me module has changed in PBX GUI software version 13. This module is no longer used to set an extension's follow me settings directly (ring strategy, follow me list, call confirmation, etc.). Editing an extension's follow me settings is now accomplished in the Find Me/Follow Me tab of the Extensions module instead.
In PBX GUI software version 13+, this module is used to quickly view and change the enabled/disabled status of follow me for extensions. Users can also enable/disable follow me via feature codes, UCP, REST Apps, etc., which are beyond the scope of this wiki.
Logging In
On the top menu click Applications
In the drop down click Follow Me
You'll see a list of any extensions that have previously had their follow me settings enabled (even if follow me is currently disabled).
Application Note
An extension will not show up here in the Follow Me module until you've enabled follow me for the extension at least once from within the Extensions module. After you do that, even if you subsequently disable follow me, the extension will appear in the list.
Enabling Follow Me
Click the Yes button for the extension.
An alert window will pop up to advise you that follow me has been enabled. Click OK to acknowledge the alert. Note: there is no submit or apply config button.
Disabling Follow Me
Click the No button for the extension.
An alert window will pop up to advise you that follow me has been disabled. Click OK to acknowledge the alert. Note: there is no submit or apply config button.
Editing Follow Me Settings for an Extension
Click the extension. This will take you to the Find Me / Follow Me tab of the Extensions module.
Edit settings as desired. These settings are explained in the relevant user guide for the Extensions module: DAHDI, IAX2, Other (Custom), PJSIP, SIP, and Virtual.
Click the Submit button in the Extensions module.
Click the Apply Config button in the Extensions module.
The function of the Follow Me module is different in GUI software version 12 compared to 13. The instructions below are for users who are using version 12.
Follow Me Module in PBX GUI Software Version 12
The Follow Me module in PBX GUI software version 12 lets you set up an extension's follow me settings as well as enable/disable follow me. Users can also enable/disable follow me via feature codes, UCP, REST Apps, etc., which are beyond the scope of this wiki.
Logging In
On the top menu click Applications
In the drop down click Follow Me
Existing extensions will be listed at the right side of the screen. If the extension has follow me settings configured (even if follow me is disabled), the word “edit” will display next to the name. If there are no follow me settings for this extension, you will see the word “add.” Note: By default, when a new extension is created, follow me settings are automatically configured, using the extension itself as the only number in the follow-me list, and with a default setting of "Disabled."
You can click on an extension in the list on the right side to edit or add follow me settings.
Setting Up Follow Me
Click the appropriate extension in the right side navigation menu. This will take you to the edit window.
Fill out the form. Options are described below.
Edit Follow Me
Check this box if you want the follow me settings to be created without actually enabling follow me for the extension. By disabling the follow me, the user will be able to edit the follow me settings in the user control panel and enable the follow me if desired, but follow me won't be active when you submit changes and apply config.
To enable follow me for the extension, un-check this box. Follow me will be active for the extension after you submit changes and apply config.
Initial Ring Time
Select the length of time (in seconds) you want to ring the primary extension alone before calling the phone numbers in the follow-me list.
Ring Strategy
Select the ring strategy to be used when calling the follow-me list numbers. Your options are:
Ring the primary extension for the initial ring time, followed by all numbers in the follow-me list. If the primary extension is also in the follow-me list, the primary extension will continue ringing as the follow-me list is rung for the ring time set below. The call will fail over to the destination below if no answer.
Ring the primary extension for the initial ring time and then stop ringing the primary extension. Start ringing all numbers in the follow-me list at the same time, for the ring time set below. The call will fail over to the destination set below if no answer. If the primary extension is included in the follow-me list, it will result in two separate calls to the primary extension.
Ring one number at a time, starting at the top of the follow-me list. It will ring this number for the ring time set below. If no answer, it will then go to the next number in the list and so forth until it gets to the end. The call will fail over to the destination set below if no answer.
Will start by ringing the first number in the follow-me list for the ring time set below. If no answer, it will then ring the first and second numbers in the list at the same time for the ring time set below, then the first, second, and third numbers at the same time, and so forth, until it gets to the end of the list. The call will fail over to the destination set below if no answer.
This will only ring the first available channel in the follow-me list for the ring time set, and then fail over to the destination below if no answer.
This is the same as “first available” except the system will make sure the extension it will be dialing is not already on another call.
When used with one of the above ring strategies, this mode causes the system to first check whether the primary extension is occupied. If it is occupied, the other extensions will not be rung. If the primary extension is in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, it won't be rung. If the primary is in Call Forward (CF) Unconditional mode, then all will be rung.
Ring Time (max 60 sec)
Enter the number of seconds (maximum 60) to ring the phones in your follow-me list.
Follow-Me List
Here you can list the extensions or outside phone numbers that will be included in your Follow Me list to call. Important: If you are defining an outside number, such as your home or cell phone, make sure you put a "#" at the end of the number, or else the system will not be able to dial that number. The # defines the number as external and not part of the system.
Select a system recording to play to the caller before the numbers in the follow-me list will be called. (Default = "none") You can add additional recordings in the System Recordings module.
Play Music on Hold
Select the music on hold category (MoH) to play to the caller while the system dials the numbers in your follow-me list. (Default = "ring") You can add additional MoH classes in the Music on Hold module.
CID Name Prefix
Optional: Enter a Caller ID (CID) prefix that will be displayed to the internal extensions in your follow-me list. Prefix CID does not work when dialing external numbers, since we can’t set the caller ID name in most parts of the world.
Alert Info
Optional: Define an alert info that will be set for internal extensions in your follow-me list. Alert infos are mainly used to change the ring cadence of your internal phones.
Call Confirmation Configuration
Confirm Calls
Check this box to enable the call confirmation option for the external numbers in your list above (those with a # at the end). If enabled, the system will ask external recipients of calls to press 1 to accept the call. This is used for things like preventing a cell phone's voicemail box from answering the call. Internal extensions will not be affected. This feature only works with the ringall ring strategy.
Remote Announce
This is the recording that is played when you answer a follow me call on an external number. By default it says, "You have an incoming call. Press 1 to accept it.” You can use the default option or pick from a list of available system recordings. You can add recordings in the System Recordings module.
Too-Late Announce
This is the recording that is played when you answer a follow me call on an external number, but someone else in the follow-me list has already accepted the call before you got a chance to accept the call. Or the call has timed out and gone to your no answer destination. By default it says, "Someone else has already answered your incoming call.” You can use the default option or pick from a list of available system recordings. You can add recordings in the System Recordings module.
Change External CID Configuration
Here is where you can define how the outbound caller ID is handled when the system calls external numbers in your follow-me list. Select an option from the drop down menu:
Transmits the caller's CID if allowed by the trunk. The caller's CID will flow down the outbound route and trunk.
Fixed CID Value
Always transmit the Fixed CID Value set in the field below. This would hard-set the CID to whatever you enter below, regardless of whether the call came into your phone system from the outside world or from an internal extension.
Outside Calls Fixed CID Value
Transmit the Fixed CID Value set in the field below, for calls that come in from outside only. Internal extension-to-extension calls will continue to operate in default mode.
Use Dialed Number
Transmit the number that was dialed as the CID for calls coming in from the outside. Internal extension-to-extension calls will continue to operate in default mode. There must be a DID on the inbound route for this. This will be BLOCKED on trunks that block foreign Caller ID. If you have a trunk set to block Caller ID, then the trunk's CID will be used instead.
Force Dialed Number
Transmit the number that was dialed as the CID for calls coming from outside. Internal extension-to-extension calls will continue to operate in default mode. There must be a DID on the inbound route for this. This WILL be transmitted on trunks that block foreign Caller ID.
Fixed CID Value
This field becomes available if you select Fixed CID Value or Outside Calls Fixed CID Value above. Enter the number you wish to set as the fixed caller ID.
Destination if no answer
Select the destination where callers will go if no one answers the follow me call. The default is "Follow Me - Normal Extension Behavior." This means the call would be sent to the normal follow-me destination set for the extension, such as voicemail. You can choose any other destination, such as another extension, voicemail box, queue, etc.
Click the Submit Changes button.
Click the Apply Config button.