PBX GUI - Voicemail Blasting User Guide
The Voicemail Blasting module is used to assign a voicemail blast (VMBlast) number to a group of users. A user can dial this number to leave a voicemail message for the group. All members of the group will receive the message in their voicemail boxes.
Logging in
From the top menu click Applications
In the drop down click Voicemail Blasting
Adding a VMBlast Group
Click the Add New VM Blast Group button.
Fill out the form as described below.
VMBlast Number
Enter the number that users will dial to access the VMBlast Group. This number must not conflict with an existing extension number.
Group Description
Provide a descriptive name for the VMBlast Group. This is a mandatory field.
Audio Label
Select which message to play to the person leaving the voicemail.
Read Group Number: The default setting. The system will read the VMBlast group number. This can help the caller confirm they have called the proper VMBlast group number before leaving a message.
Beep Only - No Confirmation - The system will play a beep to the caller, and the caller can begin recording after the beep.
Optional Password
(Optional) Specify a numerical password to protect the VMBlast group from accidental use.
Voicemail Box List
Click on voicemail boxes to add them to this group.
Hold down the SHIFT key and click to select multiple sequential users:
Hold down the CTRL or command key and click to select multiple non-sequential users:
Default VMBlast Group
Yes/No: Whether to designate this VMBlast group as the default.
Each PBX system can have a single Default Voicemail Blast Group. If you designate a new group as the default, any other group that was previously the default will no longer be the default. Extensions can be automatically added (or removed) from the default group in the Extensions (or Users) module. This prevents the need to revisit the Voicemail Blasting module each time a new extension is created.
Click the Submit button, then click the Apply Config button.
Editing / Deleting a VMBlast Group
Visit the home screen for the Voicemail Blasting module. If already viewing a VM Blast group, click the List VM Blast Groups button to go back to the home screen.
Click the edit button or group number to go to the group.
To Edit: Make changes click the Submit button, and then click the Apply Config button.
To Delete: Click the delete button, click OK to confirm deletion, and click the Apply Config button.