PBX GUI - SMS Plus Module
The SMSplus module is an add on module for the FreePBX/PBXact 15+ systems which will provide the following functionalities -
SMS Reporting - To provide the SMS Report functionality.
Blacklist module - To provide the functionality of blocking/unblocking the user based on the SMS/Text.
This module will work only if your FreePBX/PBXact has an active subscription of Sipstation or VoipInnovation with SMS functionality.
This module provides the following functionalities -
This allows the PBX users to block any abusive users and add their caller-id to the blacklist module.
PBX Users can use the UCP SMS/Chat window to block any User/DID.
We can also block the user for SMS/Text directly from the Blacklist module.
Added new configuration options i.e. Block type which can be set to Call ,SMS or both.
Once the abusive user is blocked they will not know that they have been blocked, And you will not receive any messages from them. Also, Sender is not allowed to send messages to the blocked User/DID.
Block SMS Logs: For all caller-ids that are added in blocklist module, then whenever we receive SMS from the Blacklisted user, then that SMS will be logged.
Generates the SMS report to capture the incoming, outgoing SMS records. This is the same like CDR reports which are for calls so this report can be used for monitoring SMS transactions.
Deleted SMS will also be visible in this report. for admin monitoring purposes even if the user deletes that SMS.
We can download the generated report in XML, JSON, CSV, TXT, SQL, MS-Excel format.
This module is an encrypted commercial module so this will work only with the PBX distro platforms.
This module is "Free of Cost" to use in the FreePBX/PBXact 15+ systems and will work only if the FreePBX/PBXact has an active subscription of Sipstation/VoipInnovation SIP trunks with SMS enabled on it.
SMS Blocking
Using SMSplus module now PBX users have ability to block abusive users and stop receiving the SMS from that users.
To take the advantage of this functionality , it is mandatory to have the blacklist & SMS module.
Using the Chat dialog box in SMS UCP number can be blocked.
Simply just type the below command to block the number:
Commands are:
<Block> : This will block the To number, And this number will be added to the blacklist module. Here Block keyword is case insensitive.
As you can see in after giving the Block command in the Chat dialog the To number is added to the blacklist module. Once is it added user will not receive any SMS from this To a number.
<Block 0123456789>: This will block the number i.e 0123456789. And this number will be added to the blacklist module.
The number is added to Blacklist Module.
<Block Sending SMS>: Once the DID is added to blacklist module with Block Type is SMS/Both, then User is not allowed to send SMS to that User/DID.
a) UCP Chat
b) Sangoma Talk App
c) Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Chat
Enable SMS Blocking
Enter to Blacklist Module then Click on Blacklist Number.
Add Number, Description & Block type. And Save Changes. Number will be added to blacklist module with Block Type SMS. Here Both will block the number for Call & SMS.
Disable SMS Blocking
Enter to Blacklist Module and choose the desire number and check the column Block Type is SMS. then press the delete button. Or Change the Blocktype to Call.
Block SMS Logs
Just go to Blacklist Module then click the Statistics button, to view SMS Logs. These logs will show the SMS Date/time of SMS received from a particular blocked number.
SMS Reports
Using SMSplus Module admin can see all detailed report of SMS i.e Received & Sent SMS. Admin Even can see the deleted SMS also.
How Do I Get to the SMS Report ?
To access the SMS Report in version 15 of your PBX software and later, access the graphical user interface using a web browser. Click on the "Reports" pull down menu at the top and then select "SMS Reports". It is Important to have the SMS Module version 15.0.34 or higher
install in your PBX.
Press Get SMS Report Button to initiate your search.
You may search by any or all of the fields below. The more fields you fill in the more refined the report.
Please Check the Below Screenshot.
In Search Option functionality work for column From, To, Direction, Message Type.
To View the SMS Content, Just Press Show Button, the pop-up will come up with SMS.