PBX GUI - FreePBX 13.0
General changes
These changes reflect changes that are generic and may span across multiple modules.
Visual updates conforming to Bootstrap
Form buttons moved in to action bar and float on the page
Moved rnav (right side navigation) to bootnav (bootstrap styled navigation)
New functionality
These changes reflect new functionality within existing modules
Framework - CLI fwconsole, replaces amportal. fwconsole is a native PHP application, where as amportal was a bash/php hybrid
Framework - Whoops error handler replaces white screens
Framework - UTF8 support throughout FreePBX (New installs only). Older installs can upgrade to a UTF8 database manually
Framework - Intelligent 404 pages when modules are in upgrade mode or disabled
Framework - Localization throughout FreePBX including javascript files
Core - Quick create extension dialog for quickly creating extensions without having to load the entire extension page
Paging - Multicast paging
Backup - Backup wizard for quick backup creation
Time Conditions - Timezone support
Changed functionality
These changes reflect a change in behavior or functionality for modules.
Framework - Make fwconsole chown (was amportal chown) less generic and hookable.
Framework - Improve reload (apply changes) speed. Benchmark 2500 extensions took 15 minutes now takes 4.
Sysadmin - Free features now require system registration and activation
System Recordings - Multi language support
System Recordings - In browser recording
System Recordings - HTML5 in browser playback
Call Recording Reports - HTML5 In browser playback
Music on Hold - HTML5 in browser playback
Find Me/Follow Me - Now resides inside of Extensions/Users when a new Extension or User is created
Fax - Setting up a fax account now resides inside of User Manager
Usermanager - LDAP sync support
Voicemail - No longer uses vm_email.inc and vm_general.inc, these files have been merged into voicemail.conf and the includes have been removed
New Modules
These are new modules released as part of this release.
Bulk handler - replaces bulk extensions and bulk dids adds support for contact manager and more modules in the future
Sound Language - Manage multiple language sound files.
CEL Reports module
VPN Configuration module (Beta)
Deprecated modules/functionality
These are modules that are no longer officially supported or developed. They will likely break in future releases. Please note deprecation does not prevent security related updates
Bulk extensions, replaced by bulk handler
Bulk DIDs, replaced by bulk handler
Camp on
Framework - deprecate amportal, replace with fwconsole
Developer level changes
These changes are meant for people developing FreePBX modules.
All modules should conform to the Uniformity Guidelines
PEAR database functions, all database functions have been moved to use PDO.
New functionality
Bootstrap tables for interactive tables.
Javascript fpbxToast allows toast messages to presented to the user
Ajax errors present Toast messages for better debuging
PHP Strict checking turned up to force cleaner coding. This may cause whoops errors on things that use to work