PBX GUI - Asterisk Info Module User Guide
The Asterisk Info page gives you the ability to look at key things in Asterisk such as extension registration information or “BLF Hints” amongst other items and is usually used to debug issues.
This is for advanced users who understand Asterisk.
Logging in
From the top menu click Reports
From the drop down click Asterisk Info
Summary will show us a snap shot of the following information:
Uptime - How long Asterisk has been up and running without a restart.
Reload - The last time a reload was done. A reload occurs when pressing the “Apply Configuration” button after making changes in the GUI.
Active SIP Channels - How many active SIP channels. Please note this does not mean active calls, as a single call can be 2 or more SIP channels.
Active IAX2 Channels - How many active IAX2 channels. Please note this does not mean active calls, as a single call can be 2 or more IAX2 channels.
SIP Registry - How many SIP connections Asterisk is registered to. This is usually only for SIP trunks because a phone registers to Asterisk, not Asterisk registering to the device.
IAX2 Registry - How many IAX2 connections Asterisk is registered to. This is usually only for IAX2 trunks because a phone registers to Asterisk, not Asterisk registering to the device.
SIP Peers - How many SIP peers are online and offline. A SIP peer is a extension or trunk.
IAX2 Peers - How many IAX2 peers are online and offline. A IAX2 peer is a extension or trunk.
Registries will show you each connection that Asterisk is registered to. This is usually a trunk, as Asterisk registers to a trunk. This only shows what Asterisk is registered to, not what is registering to Asterisk. Please see “Peers” to see devices and trunks that are registered to Asterisk.
Here we will see any active channels. A channel is a single communication between 2 devices, such as from Asterisk to a phone or from a trunk to Asterisk.
A typical call will show 2 channels:
1 From the trunk to Asterisk
1 from Asterisk to the phone.
Peers are devices or trunks that are registering and connecting to Asterisk. When viewing a peer, we get some useful information. The 3 pieces of information that should be of interest to you are:
Name - This is the Extension number or name on the trunk.
Host - This is the IP address the device or trunk is telling us how to reach it.
Status - Will show if the device is connected and, if so, how many milliseconds away from the PBX it is. The higher the number, the more problems you will have. Anything about 200ms may cause voice problems.
SIP Info
Sip Info combines the Registry and Peers report into 1 view, but only showing you the SIP Peers and Registries not IAX2.
IAX Info
IAX Info combines the Registry and Peers reports into 1 view, but only showing you the IAX2 Peers and Registries not SIP.
Conferences Report
Conferences will show you any active conference calls on your system.
Please note this will look at ConfBridge and MeetMe. You will typically use one or the other so one should error out.
Subscription Report
Subscriptions will show you a list of all hints that are created on your system. A hint is what you subscribe a BLF button on your phone to. A good example might be having a BLF button to use 101, so anytime user 101 is on a call the button will be red. Here we can see all the hints and how many users (watchers) are subscribed to any single hint.
Voicemail Users Report
At a glance we can see all the voicemail boxes that are created and how many new voice mails each user has.
Queues Report
The Queues report will show us each queue we have setup and some quick real time stats, such as:
Waiting Callers
Logged in members and their current state
Not Paused
In use
Not-In use