Print Extensions

Print Extensions


The Print Extensions Module is a useful tool that allows you to print a list of all numbers that can be dialed from or to your system, and where callers who dial them will end up. The Module begins by showing you the Inbound Routes, which are numbers that outside callers (any caller coming into a trunk that uses context=from-trunk) can dial, and where those calls will be routed. The remaining information listed are phone numbers that can be dialled by internal callers (any caller that uses a context=from-internal, including your Extensions).

Logging in

  • From the top menu click Reports

  • From the drop down click Print Extensions


On the right side you can pick which items you want to show up on your screen.


As you select/un-select items the report will update.


We can also click on any of our queues or conferences extensions in the list to be routed to that specific configuration page.

Pressing the “Printer Friendly” button will bring up a simple page that you can use to print as seen below.


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