Queue Reports (Q Xact) - Report Scheduler

Queue Reports (Q Xact) - Report Scheduler



Q-Xact Scheduled Reports is similar to Q-Xact Reporting, but with this tool you can set up a report to run at a certain time and then generated report is sent to you (via email) based on those criteria.



Navigate to "FreePBX GUI → Reports → Queue Report Scheduler"  for the configuration of queue report scheduler.

Create Scheduled Report

To create a new report, click Create Scheduled Report button as mentioned in above screenshot.

In order to use Queue Report Scheduler, we first have to configure the  Queue report templates. Refer to How to create Queue report template wiki.


Please specify the following parameters -

  • Report Name - Name the report , the same will be used in subject field in the email as well. 

  • Delivery Email - Enter the full email address where you wish to send the report.

  • Schedule information -  Configure scheduling information. More details please refer "Scheduling Information" section.

  • Schedule Time Frame - Date information about time frame to run the report. More details please refer to "Scheduled Time Frame" section.

  • Start Date for Each Scheduled Report :  You Can specify the Start Date for each Report to  query the Data.

  • Template - Select queue report template. 

  • Scheduled Report Occurrence - Select the frequency to generate the report. 

  • The Select Queues and Select Agents boxes show queues and agents that have data stored and available for reporting. You can select one item in each box, or you can make multiple selections by using the shift, control, or command key while clicking. Select at least one queue and one agent. Your selections will display as gray or blue depending upon which field is active.


Once all the data is filled, proceed with submit to save the report scheduling.

Schedule information


In this section you can specify the type of occurrences you want to set for the report 

  1. Hourly 

    You can set the report generation to happen on hourly basics 



    Run every X hours :  Run report on every X hour.
    Run all Day : Set to Yes if you need to run all day , else  set to No , and it will use timing from the following  
    Do not run before : This is the time when the report need start generating ( this helps to avoid sent reports from non working hours )
    Run untill :  This is the time to stop generating the report for the day.

  2. Daily

    You can set the report generation to happen on daily basics 

         Time to Run Report : Time to run the report on a day 

         Run every X days of the month : Run report on every X days of month. eg: if you have given 3 , then it will runs on every date which are multiple of 3 in that month( 3,6,9,12,etc)

         Run on a daily interval : if yes then it will run based on number of days selected , if No , you need to specify the days 

         Only run on the following days: Specify the days you need to run the report.

  1. Weekly

          You can set the report generation to happen on Weekly basics 


            Time to Run Report: Time to run the report on a day 
            Day to Run Report :Specify the days you need to run the report.
            Run every X weeks : run report on every X weeks.

  1. Monthly 

             You can set the report generation to happen on Monthly basics 

           Time to Run Report: Time to run the report on a day. 
           Run on the selected months :  Select the months you want to run the report.
           Day of the month : Date you want to run the report.
           Run of specific date of each selected month :  if selected Yes then report will run based on Day of the month. If selected NO then it will run on conditional days
           Run on a conditional day : You can specify different combinations of days to run the report.

Schedule Time Frame

Schedule Time Frame is Where you specify the period of time you need to generate report 

Enter the Start Date and End Date that you want to activate the report (the first date it should run) and the date that you want to deactivate it (the last date it should run).

If you want the report to keep running indefinitely, select YES for Run Forever.

Start Date for Each Scheduled Report

Here you specify the start time for each Report there are few option to set the start time 

  1. From the beginning of the Day : You can select from day, week, month year , And the report generation will use the data from that time

  2. Date/Time minus(x) : Here you can set the current time minus (-) X amount of ( hours /days/weeks/years)

  3. From the Date : Here you can set a particular date as the starting date for the report

Display Queue schedulers 

"FreePBX GUI → Reports → Queue Report Scheduler" page will show the list of configured scheduler reports.

We can configure multiple reports also and Qxact report scheduler dashboard has option to edit the created report as well.




  1. If you face issue that report is not generating on-time as per the configuration then please ssh to PBX Linux CLI and execute below command to confirm you have "cron job" entry present.

    [root@uc-53982604 views]# fwconsole job --list |grep qxact_reports_scheduler | 35 | qxact_reports        | qxact_reports_scheduler-10 | 0 17 * * mon  | 2020-11-30 17:00:00 | Command: /usr/sbin/fwconsole qxactreports  --runscheduledreports=10 > /dev/null                                                        | Yes     | | 36 | qxact_reports        | qxact_reports_scheduler-11 | 0 * * * *     | 2020-11-23 19:00:00 | Command: /usr/sbin/fwconsole qxactreports  --runscheduledreports=11 > /dev/null                                                        | Yes     |


  1. If you face issue where emails are not generating properly then try to look into ' /var/log/maillog' file to see if pbx host/OS is able to generate the email or not.

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