amportal commands

amportal commands

This page refers to systems running PBX version 12 and earlier, which are now end of life. Please see this this page for current systems: fwconsole commands (13+), and additionally this page for FreePBX 15+ fwconsole commands (15+)


"amportal" is the Linux command that controls FreePBX from the Linux command prompt.  

To access the command prompt, log-in to the machine where you installed FreePBX/Asterisk using your "root" username and password.  You can do so by accessing the keyboard of the machine where you installed FreePBX, or remotely using an SSH client such as Putty.

Then type one of the following "amportal" commands:



amportal restart- This is how FreePBX starts asterisk and any other processes it need.  You should always start and restart asterisk with the amportal command not the service asterisk or /etc/init.d/asterisk commands

[root@localhost ~]# amportal restart Please wait... STOPPING ASTERISK Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully... Asterisk Stopped SETTING FILE PERMISSIONS Permissions OK STARTING ASTERISK Asterisk Started [root@localhost ~]#    [root@localhost ~]# amportal stop Please wait... STOPPING ASTERISK Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully... Asterisk ended with exit status 0 Asterisk shutdown normally. Asterisk Stopped [root@localhost ~]#    [root@localhost ~]# amportal start Please wait... SETTING FILE PERMISSIONS Permissions OK STARTING ASTERISK Asterisk Started [root@localhost ~]#


amportal chown- This will change ownership of all files and directories that FreePBX needs to be owned by the apache user.
