PBX GUI - User Control Panel-Contact Directory
The Contact Directory allows you enter personal contacts both manually and via an import contacts feature. These contacts can be called via the Magic Button or by using the Contacts Softkey on your Aastra phone if you are using a PBXact or PBXtended system. You have the ability to add up to 3 numbers for each contact, Phone, Home Phone, Mobile Number.
Adding a new Contact
To add a new contact follow these steps:
Click on NEW under the Manage Contacts section.
You will now be taken to the Contact Details section. First we will enter our contacts First and Last name.
Next enter the Speech for this contact. The speech field is used when using the Magic Button and requires a licensed copy of Magic Button. If you would like the speech enabled select the Include In Magic Button option.
You can now enter up to 3 phone numbers for your contact. Phone, Home Phone, Mobile Number. The Phone field is the default field Magic Button will call if more details are not specified.
Click SAVE to save your new contact.
Editing Contact Information
You can edit contact information for any contact by clicking on the contact name from the main Contact section
From here you can then make changes or delete the contact
Syncing with Exchange
You can also optionally sync in your Contacts from Exchange. Your system administrator will need to setup the Exchange connection piece from the Contact Servers module inside the PBX Admin interface. Once setup you can the pick the exchange server from your drop down and provide your email address and password that you use to login to Exchange and it will pull down your contacts for you.
Under Import Contacts pick your Exchange Server from the drop down of servers.
You will then be presented with a field to define your Email Address and Exchange Password.
Press the Import Contacts and your contacts should be imported.
Contact Directory Settings
These are settings that apply to the Contact button on your Aastra phones. This feature is only support on PBXact and PBXtended at this time and not FreePBX
Include Local Extensions- Setting this to yes will include all Local Extensions from your PBX into the Contact Button on your Aastra Phones.
Default Search Method- What format to use for entering the person name on your Aastra Phone
T9- You press each number key on phone tell the letter you want comes up. For example for the letter "C" you would press the number three 4 times.
OneTouch- You press each number key on your phone once for each letter. For example for the letter "C" you would press the number three 1 time.