

This release has been End of Life as of 4-13-13.  The last upgrade script will take you to the 3.211.63 track as version 3.211.63-7

Below is an outline of the FreePBX Distro 2.210.62 Stable Releases based on

  • FreePBX 2.10

  • Centos 6.2

  • Asterisk 1.8.x or 10.x


2.210.62-1Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-2- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-3- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-4- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-5- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-6- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-7- Click on link for full release notes.

2.210.62-100- Click on link for full release notes.  This will take your 2.210.62 version system to a 3.211.63-7 version and track.  

Upgrade Scripts

Below is a list of upgrade scripts you can download and run to update your existing 2.210.62 systems.

All upgrades need to be installed in numeric ascending order.


  1. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh

  2. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-2.sh

  3. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-3.sh

  4. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-4.sh

  5. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-5.sh

  6. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-6.sh

  7. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-7.sh

  8. http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-100.sh


You can check your current version by going to the sysadmin module or from the Linux CLI do a:

cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version on older systems and   cat /etc/schmooze/pbx-version on newer systems


To install the update script via the Linux CLI use the following commands, substituting the proper scripts from above:

wget http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh chmod +x upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh ./upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh


If you have sysadmin module installed and have licensed your PBX with our License Server you can run the following script to auto update your system to the latest version.


If you have sysadmin pro purchased and licensed you can use the above command or use the GUI in FreePBX under sysadmin to update your system.

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