PBX Platforms - 3.211.63 Release Notes
3.211.63-10 Released 05-31-13
Upgrade Asterisk RPMs for 11.4.0 10.12.2 and
3.211.63-9 Released 05-23-13
Update fail2ban RPM for mail log error
Remove Asterisk auto start since amportal starts asterisk
Update sysadmin RPM to fix intrusion detection showing as banned.
3.211.63-8 Released 4-22-13
Install the following missing RPMs that users have asked for htop zip unzip traceroute time tmpwatch telnet system-config-network-tui symlinks schmooze-dahdi rsync dos2unix jwhois bind-utils
Update FreePBX to 2.11 RC
Move the Message of the Day and asterisk-version-switch scripts to be RPMs not just tar.gz installed files to allow better upgrading and modifications.
Update Asterisk to and 11.3.0
Update Asterisk to add SRTP support.
Install libsrtp RPMS for asterisk to use if using SRTP
Update sysadmin and fail2ban for better regex and fix bug in it not parsing SSH on newer Centos.
Add RPMs like zip, unzip, tcpdump and other small utilities.
Update wanpipe to version 7,
Update iSymphony to 2.7.2.
Update yum-kmod to remove DeprecationWarning
Install prosody chat server which can be hand configured or configured with the XMPP Commercial module.
Update Asterisk, 10.12.1 and 11.2.0
Add support into asterisk for res_snmp.so
Update Asterisk for libwat support.
Install libwat RPMs. libwat is used for Sangoma GSM Cards
Update Asterisk, 10.11.1 and 11.1.2 for major Asterisk bug.
Update odbc connector for FreePBX 2.11.
Patch Asterisk 10 to fix a Call Recording but in Asterisk 10 that has not been fixed in Asterisk yet.
Update the Message of The Day display to print out the IP Address.
Update Asterisk 1.8.19, 10.11.0. and 11.1.0.
Initial Public Release of 3.211.63 track
Asterisk 1.8.18 or 10.10. or 11.0