FreePBX Distro Version Numbering System

FreePBX Distro Version Numbering System

What do the FreePBX Distro Version Numbers Mean?

The FreePBX Distro Version Numbering System tells you at a glance what the core pieces of each track are. Numbers correspond to a major track number, GUI version, operating system, and minor release revision.


For example, below is an explanation of the numbers found in our code-named “Call Forward” Release FreePBX Distro 4.211.64-10:

4.211.64-10 - The first number 4 represents the Major Track Number

4.211.64-10 - The second number 211 refers to FreePBX 2.11 GUI 

4.211.64-10 - The third number 64 refers to CentOS 6.4 operating system

4.211.64-10 - The final number 10 is used as the Minor Release Revision of this Major Track Number


Here's an example of a newer version, FreePBX Distro 10.13.66-2:

10.13.66-2 - The first number 10 represents the Major Track Number

10.13.66-2 - The second number 13 refers to FreePBX 13 GUI 

10.13.66-2 - The third number 66 refers to Linux OS 6.6 operating system

10.13.66-2 - The final number 2 is used as the Minor Release Revision of this Major Track Number

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