Call Centre Features

Below is a list of Call Centre features for PBXact.  
Note that some of these features are already included in the base PBXact software. Others require the purchase of the Call Centre License bundle as described in the table below

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Included with base PBXact appliance

Requires Call Centre License


WebGUI menu item


Included with base PBXact appliance

Requires Call Centre License


WebGUI menu item

Call Processing

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)



Create 1 or more IVRs ("Interactive Voice Response" systems or Auto Attendants) to route calls and play greetings to inbound callers. You can then route calls to the IVR and play a recording prompting callers what options to enter, such as “press 1 for sales and press 2 for the company directory.” An IVR can also route calls to another IVR, or in other words, a sub-menu.

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Modules > Applications > IVR


Call Queuing (ACD)



Call queues are useful when you have more callers than people available to answer calls. Callers placed into a queue will hear music or advertising until someone is available to answer their call. Features include: Queue Priority to prioritizes specific caller groups over others, automatically move longer waiting customers to roll-over queues, Caller-ID Name prefixing, multiple ring strategies and agent announcement.

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Modules > Applications > Queues


Time Conditions



Time conditions are often used to control how the PBX routes calls during business hours vs. outside business hours.

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Modules > Applications > Time Conditions


BroadCast / Outbound dialing (Xact Dial)



Automated Outbound Dialing for outbound call centers. Upload CSV files, schedule outbound calls, route calls based on human or answering machine.


*While this module can be used for outbound dialing and can perform call progress analysis (for instance detection of live response vs answering machine), this module is not a predictive dialer.


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Modules > Applications > Broadcast


Outbound Call Limiting



Prevent Overdialing- limits how many times a specific phone number matching an outbound route can be called during a certain time period.


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Modules > Connectivity > Outbound Call Limiting


Appointment Reminder



Automate appointment reminders by scheduling outbound phone calls to customers where the recipient can cancel, confirm and/or reschedule appointments. CSV File upload makes it easy to insert lists of phone numbers to make outbound calls to.  The feature will also allow you to control call rate limiting, retry attemps and other  You can schedule a future appointment reminder so that the system can call/email the person(s) and remind them of an appointment.  


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Modules > Applications > Appointment Reminder


Pinset Pro



Provides greater flexibility in the deployment of security Pin Codes, allowing system administrators to assign Pin Codes directly to extensions and granularly control per extensions which outbound routes are allowed to be dialed without pin codes.


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Modules > Settings > PIN Sets


Customer Facing




Play music and announcements to callers waiting on hold in the queue waiting for the next available agent.

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Modules > Settings > Music on Hold


Caller Announcement



Play the position of the caller waiting in the queue.

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Modules > Applications > Queues


Queue CallBack
(Queue Pro) 



  1. Allow callers to optionally hang up their call and have the queue hold their position in line, saving them time and frustration. The system will automatically call the person back and transfer the call to an agent when the held position is considered the next in line.

  2. Ability to set different destinations for different types of unanswered calls. 3)  ability to route both the agent and the caller to any destination after hangup of a queue call. For example, you could send the caller to a post-call survey after the agent hangs up the call.


Modules > Applications > Queue Callback


Web CallBack



Allow visitors to your website ability to leave their phone number to receive a call back from an agent. An HTML call me box is placed on your website with a field for visitor to enter their phone number.


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Modules > Applications > Web Callback


Call Center Agents

Softphone and UC client

Zulu UC Desktop Integration



Desktop Integration including softphone (includes agent chat), click-to-call from CRM, screen-pop from CRM.


Modules > Admin > User Management


IP Desk phones

Buy separately


Sangoma offers a line of IP Phones dedicated exclusively for FreePBX and PBXact, featuring Zero-Touch Auto-provisioning and built-in PhoneApps. Many of the PhoneApps are tailored specifically for Call Center staff and agents.


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Sangoma IP Phones



Call Recording



Record calls through the standard ACD Queue functionality.


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Modules > Applications > Queues



Queue Reporting



All Web GUI driven, choose from standard Queue Reports or built your own Queue templates to run and collect advanced call center metrics.


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Modules > Reports > Queue Reports


Call Recording Reports



View, sort, listen to, archive, and download all recorded calls on your system. WebGUI driven feature.


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Modules > Reports > Call Recordings


Included Features when PBXact system is paired with Sangoma IP Phones

Call Recording Phone App



Managers can record calls directly via dedicated button and GUI.

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Queue Phone App



Managers can directly interact with the display of their IP Phone to quickly view Call Center metrics, such as: Callers, Logged in Agents, Hold Time, Abandoned calls. Managers can also pause, login / logout agents from queues.


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Sangoma S500 Display


Hot Desking



Agents can log into any phone using the "Login/Logout" feature and all their features pull directly to that phone.


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Sangoma S500 Display


Queue Agent App



Agents can login/logout of a queue and pause using GUI.


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Sangoma S500 Display



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