PBX Platforms - Serial port connection

PBX Platforms - Serial port connection


  1. Verify that the appliance is powered off

  2. Connect the appliance to the internet using a LAN cable (The system requires internet to setup timezone and network details)

    1. Plug a network cable (cat 5) into port 0 on the appliance (port number and disposition may vary between appliances) 

    2. Plug the other end of the network cable into a network that will provide internet access to the appliance

  3. Plug a USB-to-Serial Console Cable into the Console Port located on the front of the appliance, port location may vary between appliances

The System 60 / 100 does not come shipped with a USB-to-Serial console cable. However, it is a standard console cable that is used with any networking equipment. Below is an example image of a usb-to-serial cable:

serial (1)-20240409-200812.jpg


a. Plug the RJ45 end into the the Console port on the appliance

b. Plug the USB end into a laptop or desktop computer

c. If your computer does not have the software drivers installed for the usb-to-serial cable please visit the following page:

-> Appliance USB to Serial Cable
-> You must have the drivers installed otherwise your computer will not be able to communicate with the appliance through the console cable.

  1. Set up the terminal for the serial connection

    1. From the computer (Windows) determine which USB port the console cable is plugged into via Device Manager.

      1. Open up device manager and expand the ports area, see below example:


      2. In the above capture, COM3 is the port assigned for the USB to Serial Port.

    2. Open up a terminal program like Putty and connect to the above detected COM port with settings below.

      1. Select the Connection type to Serial


      2. Use the following connection settings (Under Connection → Serial)

        • Serial line to conect to: (enter COM port detected from previous step)

        • Speed (baud): 115200

        • Data bits: 8

        • Stop bits: 1

        • Parity: none

        • Hardware/Software flow control: disabled


      3. The terminal screen should appear black/blank (which is normal) as the appliance is powered off and there is nothing to be seen on screen. 

  2. Power on the appliance 

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