PBX Platforms - Command Line Tips
System Monitoring Tools / Network Tools - Each one of these tools have numerous guides so rather than list any specific guide the recommendation is to do a search for guides and have a few to choose from in case a specific guide isn't helpful or just doesn't meet your specific needs.
System Tools
glances |
All three of these tools report "Load Average" and this is often misunderstood. The following is the best explanation I have found thus far:
"The system load is a measure of the amount of computational work that a computer system performs. The load average represents the average system load over a period of time. 1.0 on a single core cpu represents 100% utilization. Note that loads can exceed 1.0 this just means that processes have to wait longer for the cpu. 4.0 on a quad core represents 100% utilization. Anything under a 4.0 load average for a quad-core is ok as the load is distributed over the 4 cores." ( credit - https://www.deonsworld.co.za/2012/12/20/understanding-and-using-htop-monitor-system-resources/ )
Log Tools
tail - allows you to watch logs live. Here I am checking to make sure a phone is able to get config files via http.
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log |
multitail - allows you to view more that one live log. Here I am watching a phone pull a config and register. https://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/
multitail -s 2 /var/log/asterisk/full /var/log/httpd/access_log |
Network Tools
nmap - useful for seeing if certain ports are open. Here I am checking on UDP 5060 for Chan_pjsip.
nmap -sU -p 5060 |
netstat - useful for discovering, what exactly, is your PBX using port wise. In this case I want to know what is listening from an overall perspective.
netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN |