SIPStation and FAXStation - Moving DIDs between locations

SIPStation and FAXStation - Moving DIDs between locations

If you have multiple locations in a single SIPStation account, you can move DIDs between those locations. The locations must belong to the same master account.

The instructions in this wiki do not apply if you have multiple SIPStation accounts and need to move a DID from one account to another. If you would like to merge multiple accounts, you can review our "Merging Accounts" wiki for information. If you prefer to keep the accounts separate, but need to move a DID, please create a port request with the SIPStation Number Porting department at http://support.schmoozecom.com.

The following instructions assume you have multiple locations within one SIPStation account and would like to move numbers from one of those locations to another.

Log into the SIPStation Store at http://www.sipstation.com.


Click on the Account Overview/DIDs option at the top of the page.


  • You will now see a list of all the DIDs that you have with this account.  Filter and select the DID(s) to move and the location to move it to and Click the Move DIDs button.

  • The move should take less than 60 seconds before the changes are live on our servers.


Any e911 information associated with the numbers you are moving will be moved to the new SIPStation location. Any monthly charges related to e911 on those DIDs will also moved to the new location.



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