How to Close your account

While we don't want to see you go, we understand that you may need to close one or more locations within your SIPStation account as your needs change. To request cancellation of your service please visit the SIPStation store at and follow the instructions below. 

When Porting Out...

If you are porting numbers out from SIPStation, please wait to cancel your account until after the port has been completed. Otherwise, you may permanently lose your numbers.

Important: Do not forget to cancel the related SIPStation services after the port process has been completed by your new carrier. Otherwise, you will continue to be billed monthly for all of your services and no refunds will be given based on our SIPStation Terms and Conditions.

Once services are cancelled, those services will not be renewed. This cannot be undone. You will not be able to get the phone numbers back again or port them to another carrier. Access to the services and account information on this account will be removed immediately upon termination.

How to Cancel All SIPStation Services for a Location

These instructions are for customers wishing to cancel all services associated with a SIPStation location. If you simply need to remove DIDs and/or Trunks while leaving the account active, please see our wiki "Removing Services or DIDs from your existing SIPSTATION account."

  1. Log into the SIPStation Store.

  2. Click on Customer Service in the navigation menu.

  3. On the Customer Service page you’ll see the "Cancel one or more Locations Link" link.  This will remove all services associated with this location which includes DID’s. Please verify that all DID’s associated with this location have been either ported, moved to another account, or are no longer needed.   

  4. Please provide the requested date and reason for cancellation. Complete the form to submit the request.

  5. You will be directed to a page that will display the location to cancel. The instructions at the top explain how to cancel a location. You must move the switch to the on position.  This is to help prevent accidental cancellation.

  6. When ready, click the Cancel Services button at the bottom.

  7. You will be prompted to confirm the cancellation. After you confirm, a member of Customer Success will contact you within 2 business days to confirm cancellation. If you would like to contact them directly, they can be reached at customersuccess@sangoma or 256.428.6175.

Note: No refunds are given for any remaining days of the current billing cycle. Please see our SIPStation Terms and Conditions for complete information.



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