SIPStation and FAXStation - Adding Services or DIDs to your Existing Account
After you've created a SIPStation account at, it's easy to purchase new trunks, local DIDs, and toll-free numbers. Simply make your selections, add the items to your shopping cart, and complete the checkout process. Detailed instructions are found below.
Logging into the SIPStation Store
Before you can purchase any DIDs, toll-free numbers, or trunks, or make any special orders, you will need a SIPStation account. If you need to create an account, please see our Creating a SIPStation Account wiki for instructions.
Log into your account at the SIPStation Store.
If you are already logged in but are not seeing the store section, click Purchase in the green navigation menu to navigate to the store section.
Adding Trunks
Under "High Volume Voice Trunks," move the slider to select the number of trunks (concurrent call paths) you want to purchase. Click on the square at the left and drag it along the green bar to change the number of trunks selected.