SIPStation and FAXStation - SMS Text Messaging

SIPStation and FAXStation - SMS Text Messaging

  • SIPStation supports sending and receiving SMS (Text Messaging).

    • Inbound - Most US and Canada DIDs sold by SIPStation are capable of sending and receiving Text Messages.  See our wiki on SMS DIDs for information on how to verify existing DIDs with SIPStation are capable of SMS or how to verify DIDs at purchase time are SMS capable. Ordering and Verifying DIDs that are SMS capable

    • Outbound - Any DID that you purchase from SIPStation that supports SMS can be used to send outbound SMS to any phone number in the US or Canada that is capable of receiving SMS.

  • At this time we only support Sending and Receiving SMS messages for customers using FreePBX or PBXact based system through the User Control Panel and Zulu UC client.

    • For information on using User Control Panel (UCP) from FreePBX or PBXact see this wiki UCP SMS

    • For information on using Zulu UC from FreePBX or PBXact see this wiki SMS


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