SIPStation and FAXStation - Ordering or Canceling Service

SIPStation and FAXStation - Ordering or Canceling Service

I would like to try your service. How do I get started with SIPStation?

We now offer a SIPStation Free Trial that allows FreePBX users to explore the many features of SIPStation free for 21 days, without a credit card or further obligation. Take SIPStation for a test drive and discover why this award-winning service is used by thousands of customers every day. Visit our Free Trial Setup wiki to learn how to sign up for a Free Trial. Please note: Trials are only available for first time users/customers to our service.

If you are not using our Free Trial program, you will need to create an account or log into an existing account at the SIPStation Store. You will need to purchase at least one trunk along with as many phone numbers (DIDs) as you require. Each trunk will allow one simultaneous outbound or inbound call. See our wiki "Creating a SIPStation Account" for details on setting up a new account.

How do I order one of the SIPStation Savings Plans?

As a new SIPStation customer, you will have the option to subscribe to either our standard monthly service, with no obligation required, or to one of our Savings Plans. These Plans allow you to lock in savings for a given period of time (with a commitment, typically starting with 12 months).  After you create an account and log in, you will see a notice that says: SIPStation Savings Plans Available.  Click on the "Read More" button to see the plans that are available. You will notice lower rates for these plans than our standard monthly service. If you don't want to use one of the displayed plans, simply click the "Back" arrow on your browser to return to the standard purchase page. You can select a Plan that best fits your needs. Please be sure to read the Terms of Service because the Plans require commitments and early termination fees if canceled. If you do select a plan, you can select your services at the new, lower prices. Note that the plans require you to purchase at least 3 voice trunks. If your purchase does not meet these requirements, you will see a notice (in a red banner), after you select your services.

Currently, the SIPStation Savings Plans are available for new customers only.  (We plan to provide Plans as options to existing customers at a later date.)  If you do not select a plan before completing the check-out process, you will no longer be a "new customer" and so will not be able to later change to a Plan until we provide that option to other existing customers.

How quickly will my service be set up once I purchase it?

If you have an existing service: New Trunks or DIDs are active within 60 seconds of purchase.

If you are signing up for a new account: Most service is active within 60 seconds of purchase. If your account gets flagged for more verification to help fight fraud, it may take a few hours before service is active. Note: You will need to complete our account verification process in order to fully unlock all available features of a new account.

How do I add or remove Trunks and DIDs?

You can add and remove trunks and DIDs on your account at any time by logging into the SIPStation Store.

Adding trunks and DIDs:  Please see this wiki on Adding Services or DIDs to Your Existing Account

Removing trunks and DIDs: Please see this wiki on Removing Services or DIDs from Your Existing Account

How do I update my credit card information in my account?

Once logged into the SIPStation Store, click on the Billing tab in the navigation bar. You can adjust your credit card information there.  For step-by-step instructions you can view our wiki on Updating a Credit Card or Adding a New One.

How do I cancel all of my SIPStation services for one or more locations?

While we don't want to see you go, we understand that you may need to close one or more locations within your SIPStation account as your needs change.  Review our wiki on how to close your account How to Close your account

Please note: Once services for an account or location have been cancelled, those services will not be renewed, and access to the services and account information on this account will be terminated immediately. This process cannot be reversed, and you will not be able to get the phone numbers back again or port them to another carrier. No refunds are given for any remaining days of the current billing cycle. Please see our SIPStation Terms and Conditions for complete information.


When Porting Out...

If you are porting numbers out from SIPStation, it is important for you to wait to cancel your account until after the port has been completed to ensure availability of your DIDs for the porting process. Otherwise, you may permanently lose your numbers.

Important: Do not forget to cancel the related SIPStation services after the port process has been completed by your new carrier. Otherwise, you will continue to be billed monthly for all of your services and no refunds will be given based on our SIPStation Terms and Conditions.


How do metered service features work?

Some SIPStation features are prepaid metered services that incur per-minute charges for usage. These features include toll-free calling, international calling, outbound faxing, softcap bursting, and concurrency bursting. You prepay for these services using via our Top Up feature, and usage charges are withdrawn from your reserve account. For complete information on how this works, please visit our "How Metered Services Work" wiki.


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