SIPStation and FAXStation - FAXStation Direct

SIPStation and FAXStation - FAXStation Direct

Sangoma FaxStation Direct is a powerful and efficient Chrome extension designed to streamline your faxing experience. This tool allows you to effortlessly download faxes directly to a designated folder on your device, making access to important documents fast and convenient.

FAXStation Direct Features

  • Automated Fax Downloads: The extension periodically checks for new faxes and downloads them automatically to your device, ensuring that you always have the latest documents at your fingertips.

  • Platform Flexibility: Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux, this extension works seamlessly across all major operating systems.

  • Healthcare Compliance: Ideal for healthcare offices and other industries that require immediate and secure access to documents.

  • User-Friendly: With a simple setup process and intuitive interface, you can easily configure your download folder and let the extension handle the rest.


  1. Click on the link below to navigate to the Chrome Web Store:
    Sangoma Faxstation Direct

  2. Press the Add to Chrome button to install the extension.

  3. In the popup, click the Add extension option to complete the installation.


  1. Click on the extension icon and pin Sangoma Faxstation Direct to monitor its status.


  2. Open the Sangoma Faxstation Direct extension to configure it.


  3. Click the Configure button to select the directory where faxes will be downloaded.

  4. In the popup, select Edit Files to grant permission to edit the selected directory. Once the file permission is configured, the status will change it to ready .



    1. Sometimes, due to permission issues, the file permission status may be set to not_granted after closing the extension or the browser. In such cases, you need to select the "Allow on every visit“ option in the popup window.


  5. Click the Login button and login in to fax.sipstation.com.

  6. After logging into the Faxstation dashboard, the status of the Fax Direct extension will change to "Authorized."


  7. The red notification will disappear after logging into the Faxstation dashboard and selecting the local directory for downloading faxes, indicating that the system is ready to download faxes.


  8. The sync process runs every five minutes to download the faxes. If you want to run the sync immediately, click the Sync Now button. The Stop button is used for to stop the sync process.



  9. The Reset button is used to reset the counter, and it will redownload all the faxes again when the sync process runs.

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