WebGUI: Basic Header Manipulation

WebGUI header manipulation, (also referred to as Basic header manipulation) allows a user not familiar with XML to build rules required to manipulate SIP information on inbound or outbound calls.

Navigate to Configuration -> Header Manipulation


  • Basic Header Manipulation – Default

    • This section deals with default parameters for that particular dialplan.

  • Rules

    • This section deals with the specific rules which will be processed within the dialplan.

    • Each rule is described based on the selections chosen within the rule configuration.



  • Condition section

    • Can set up to 5 condition which the rule will validate against.

    • The rank is the priority of that rule within the manipulation.

    • The stop policy determines whether the manipulation should stop processing if the rule matches, or whether it should continue to the next rule.

  • Actions to perform if condition matches section

    • Can set up up to 5 actions to perform if the conditions set are matched.

    • Can be different actions

      • Example: Modify the Request-URI header within the SIP invite.

  • Actions to perfom if condition doesn’t match section

    • Can set up to 5 actions to perform if the condition does not match.

    • Can be different actions

      • Example: Log the failure within the SBC logs.

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