Session Border Controller - SBC Troubleshooting

Session Border Controller - SBC Troubleshooting


When troubleshooting SBC there are certain pieces of information from the system that will be critical. The list of information we need is as follows:

  1. The logs and configuration folders for NSC.

    1. Make a test call which demonstrates the issue you are having in order to populate the logs with debug information.

    2. Create a staging folder: mkdir nsc_support

    3. Copy the configuration folder into the staging directory: cp -r /usr/local/nsc/confnsc_support/

    4. Copy the logs to the staging directory:cp/usr/local/nsc/log/*log* nsc_support

    5. Provide a list of the installed packages:rpm-qa> nsc_support/packages.txt

    6. Zip the staging folder: tar -zxvf nsc_support.tgznsc_support

  2. A packet capture from a test call which demonstrates the issue you are having. Note: If you are having an audio issue, you should configure the device for "Hidden Mode" before doing a packet capture.

    1. From the Web interface, click Reports -> Network Capture

    2. Click the capture button

    3. Make a test call exhibiting the issue you are having

    4. When finished, click the stop button, then the "Download" button and save thepcapfile.

  3. A network diagram of the path of the call through your network (not strictly required but can greatly aid in troubleshooting in most cases)

    1. It is preferable to have some form of document describing the network environment SBC is deployed in including any relevant NAT or firewall devices and anything that is involved in the call flow. This can be an image or a sketch of some kind.

  4. When finished, attach nsc_support.tgz, the pcap you obtained in step 2, and any network diagram you may have from step 3 in a response to your support ticket.


Hidden Mode

If you are using the transcoding features of SBC, you should configure the system in "Hidden Mode" before doing a packet capture. This ensures that audio packets flow through NSC and will appear in the capture. Using the device in "Exposed Mode" will result in media flowing direct between the endpoints and the transcoding modules. If you are using a D100 card for transcoding, this step is not necessary as it is only possible to use the D100 in Hidden Mode. If you are using a D150, it is NOT possible to enable Hidden Mode. You can try disabling the media interfaces if you are not using licensed codecs like G729.

To configure hidden mode:

  1. In the Web interface, under Configuration, click Media Interfaces.

  2. Under "Media Server Configuration", if your system is not already in Hidden Mode, click Modify.

  3. Check the box that says sngdsp0 and click detect.

  4. You should now be in Hidden mode.

In the case of the D150:

  1. In the Web interface, under Configuration, click Media Interfaces.

  2. Under "Media Server Configuration", click Modify.

  3. For the option "Enable/Disable Media Interfaces" select "Disable" then click Detect at the bottom.

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