StarFax™ Mobile User Guide

StarFax™ Mobile User Guide


StarFax Mobile allows users to view, receive and send faxes from their mobile devices. (Note: Requires StarFax Personal Starlet)

StarFax Mobile enables users to:

  • Access a file from the Photo Library.

  • Take a series of document photos to send as a fax.

  • Send a file to Mobile Fax. (example: if users receive a pdf in an email, they may then “open” the pdf in Mobile Fax).

  • Open a fax (received or sent) to preview it.

  • Call another user when the phone app is installed.

  • Send a fax via a specific number instead of someone in his or her contact list.

  • Select a previously taken photo and retake it.

  • Take a picture from any photo app and send it to Mobile Fax using the built in OS connections.

  • To choose my default fax number.


If load times (including from login) take longer than expected, a spinner will briefly animate in the fax grid view. If it fails the user will be redirected back to login.

Received Tab (Fax Grid View)

The received and sent tabs display the faxes. The menu ☰ slides in from the left. The Edit button toggles the ability to select faxes and perform actions on them.

Tapping on the image area of a fax will display a preview of the pdf, png or jpg via a supported app.

Tapping on the Send Fax button will activate the corresponding flow to send a fax from within the app.

Edit Faxes

The RECEIVED and SENT tabs display the faxes in an identical layout. Faxes cannot be viewed in this mode, only selected.

When edit mode is enabled, the bottom send fax button slides out and the action buttons

Forward, Download, and Delete slide in it’s place.

Browse gallery and upload method

A user can navigate the Android photo gallery to choose photos to fax.

  1. Tap

  1. Methods to obtain fax slides in and a description located at the top of the screen along with a Cancel option.

  1. Use built in Android gallery browser to select photos. Tap done to import the photos into Star Fax mobile. Canceling from this view returns the user to the fax grid view.

  1. Once a file(s) has been selected and done has been tapped, the user is taken to the edit faxes view to inspect the images.

Images can be Deleted and reordered (tap and drag left / right). Order number is displayed at the top.

Tapping reselect will bring users back to the photo gallery where they can pick an image to replace that selected image. Exiting the gallery in this stage will send them back to preview retaining the image or the pdf to replace.

Tapping NEXT will take the user to the send fax form (see below).

Send fax form

User(s) can pick the contact they want to send the fax to via contacts (activated by tapping the

icon or manually entering a number.

This view scrolls (see below).

The character limit is 150 characters. The count decreases as the user types.

Cancel sends the user back to the Sent or Received view (whichever is set as default by the user).

The back arrow < returns to the edit faxes view.


will send the fax and take the user to the Fax Sent view.

Camera Method

A simple capture camera is activated and the user takes a picture of a document(s).

When at least one photo has been added, it appears in the bottom bar and the Next text button fades in.

Tapping Next proceeds to the edit faxes view.

The edit faxes view allows the user to choose to retake an image (which will return to the camera view and then back to the edit faxes view after the picture has been taken). Tapping Delete allows the user to delete the selected fax. Swiping left and right in the view swipes between the different cards displaying mini-previews of the fax.

Tapping a mini-preview will display a preview of the pdf, png or jpg via a supported app. Tapping next will take the user to the send fax form (see below).


Fax Sent

After a fax has been sent, the user is returned to the Sent Fax view with an overlay informing them that the fax is being sent. It will appear in the sent list once it has actually been delivered. The overlay can be dismissed by a tap.


Settings on StarFax Android is accessed by tapping ☰.

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