Sangoma Portal/Store - How to Manage Stored Credit Cards

Sangoma Portal/Store - How to Manage Stored Credit Cards

Within the portal, you can add one or more credit cards that will be saved on file.  The advantage to storing a credit card is at checkout you don't have to go through the headaches of entering all the credit card and billing information.  If you are set up for any type of recurring services, such as our Monthly Hosted service, you are required to have at least one valid credit card on file with us as a "default" credit card.

For security reasons, we do not actually store your credit card.  All information is passed to the credit card gateway such as PayPal or Authorized.net, and they store all the information.  They give us a unique token ID that we use each time we want to make a charge on your credit card.  

Storing Credit Cards

You can save your credit card to your Portal account by using the process below. You will have the option to save a card when completing a transaction in the store. Instructions for purchasing items in the store can be found on this page: How to Purchase Commercial Modules


Accessing the Credit Card Section for Management

  1. Log into the Sangoma Portal at https://portal.sangoma.com 

  2. Once logged into the portal, select Customers → List All

  3. You should now see a list of all customers, including yourself and any customers that are below you as sub account.  You can only add and view credit card information for your own direct account for security reasons. None of you sub accounts will expose the credit card option.  Press the View button. 

  4. Click on the card tab at the top of the page when viewing or editing a customer.  From here you can see a list of all credit cards you have on file. You can choose to delete a credit card, add a new card, and set which credit card is the default card to be used for recurring charges.