SC_Apps- Visual Voicemail App

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

SC_Apps- Visual Voicemail App


The Voicemail application lets you quickly see who left you voicemails and gives you the ability to choose what messages to listen to first. this visual voicemail app can be accessed by pressing the voicemail app icon on the WebView. 

The Visual Voicemail application uses the Sangoma Desktop phone service to play voicemail. Therefore, the following Sangoma Desktop settings are mandatory for the WebView Visual Voicemail application to function properly.

  • Secure Port must be enabled for "Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Service" in Admin→System Admin→Port Management

  • Set the PBX's host address in Admin→SangomaConnect→Settings->Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Host Address and it should be accessible by public network

Viewing Voicemails

  • Click on the visual voicemail icon to display the voicemails.

  • If there is any unread voicemail then red dot will display on the visual voicemail icon.

  • From here you can quickly see who left you voicemails and choose which messages to listen to first. The following will be displayed on this screen.

    • Red dot sign on play button will display if voicemail is unread.

    • Name and number of who left the message.

    • Length of voicemail message.

    • Time of day the message was left.

Listening to Voicemails

  • You can press the Play button to listen to your voicemail.

Other Voicemail Options

  • Call Back: It will dial the same number from which you have received the voicemail.

  • Delete: Delete the Voicemail.

  • Mark Read: Mark the voicemail as read. This icon will appear when voicemail is unread.

  • Mark Unread: Mark the voicemail as Unread, This icon will appear when voicemail is already read.

Demo Video


Q1: Voicemails are showing but when i clicked on play button it's showing loading but not playing the voicemail.

Answer: Please check the overview section and follow the Mandatory steps.


Q2: I have followed the overview section steps but still voicemail not playing.

Answer: In this case, you are probably using external firewall in front of your PBX so you have to whitelist IP in your external firewall.


Q3: I'm seeing below error in voicemail app.


Answer: Please check the overview section and follow the Mandatory steps.



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