Switchvox - Agent Log In Extensions (6.0)

Switchvox - Agent Log In Extensions (6.0)

An Agent Log In extension is used to log an extension into call queues, and/or to log a virtual extension into a phone. This extension can also be used to toggle logging in and logging out, so you do not have to have a separate Agent Log out extension.

Agent Log In Settings

  • Extension. Enter a unique number for this extension. For information about the extension-number length, see Switchvox - Extension Settings (6.0) .

  • Require password to log inNO means when people call this extension, they are logged in without having to enter a password.

  • Log In/Log Out Toggle. YES means members can call this extension, and if already logged in, they are logged out. And if logged out, they are logged in. Using this option, you do not need a separate Agent Log Out extension.

  • Always prompt agents to enter their extensionYES means members must enter their extension to log in. This is useful if you have people who share work areas and phones, or if you have virtual extensions that are used by different people.

  • Affect virtual extension login/logout statusYES means this log-in action (or log out, if toggling) affects virtual extensions. For example, if a virtual extension is logged into a phone and into a queue, the action of logging out applies to the virtual extension and the queue?

Queues To Affect

  • Affect All Queues.  YES means all of the queues in the system are affected. Otherwise, enter specific queues into the collection. If you don’t want to affect call queues with this Agent Log In, do not select any queues.


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