Vega Gateways - Vega 4x4
1) Introduction
This document covers setting up a Vega4x4 Private Wire Interface to allow the Private Wire circuits to be transported over a SIP trunk.
The Vega can be used to connect to a carrier or trading switch and will interface to any SIP trunk that supports IETF private wire SIP draft that can be found at
2) Load an IP address
There are two methods to set up an IP address on the Vega both involve using the serial port CLI Interface.
1) Set up the serial port to access the Command line interface
The Command Line Interface on the Vega 4x4 can be accesses via the 9-way D-type serial connector on the rear of the Vega.
Using a suitable terminal emulation program, connect to the Vega via the serial port with the following settings: 115200 bps, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit
Press return and enter the default Username ‘admin’ and default Password ‘admin’ you should now be at the command line prompt.This guide will use the Vega built in Web interface to configure the system in order to reach this the IP address of the Vega needs to be known there are two methods to determine this:-
DHCP out of the box Vega 4x4 will attempt to use DHCP in order to find out what IP address it has in use at the command line prompt type show IP and you should see the following:-
>show ip
Host name:Vega4x4-CMU LAN 1 IP:
Use this address to open a web session and can then either stick with DHCP address or use the web interface to change to a static address.
If there is no DHCP available then you can set up IP address manually from the CLI as follows:-
> set lan.if.1.ip x.x.x.x - where x.x.x.x is the IP address you want
> set lan.if.1.subnet y.y.y.y – where y.y.y.y is the subnet mask of your network
> set lan.gateway z.z.z.z - where z.z.z.z is the address of the default gateway
> save
> apply
> reboot system
3) Web Configuration
Connect the Vega to a suitable LAN and start a web browser session with the IP address defined. Login using the default Username and Password. The Vega 4x4 System Status configuration screen should be presented as shown below
3.1) Software Upgrade
From the System Status screen under Expert Config select System and you should see the following:
From here select Upgrade you should be asked to save your current config which you should do and then you will be redirected to the upgrade screen
Browse to where you have the new image and hit Download the system will automatically upload the new mage and blow it to flash.
Once the correct code is on the Vega can start to configure it.
3.2) LAN configuration
Normally only one LAN interface is setup as this keeps local routing simple and avoid the need to set up multiple LAN profiles. If Out of band management is required a second interface can be set up on a different network in this example only one LAN interface is used. Under Expert Config select LAN should see the following:
The LAN setup can be entered using this screen in this case the system has been set to use a static IP address of in a /24 network note that the ticks in the Allow full, Allow 10 and Allow 100 are all ticked this causes the Vega to auto negotiate with a switch if you want to force 100/FULL you need to untick the Allow 10. Which you use will depend on how the Ethernet switch is set.
Since only one interface is used a default gateway is entered in this case and no static routes are needed. If you wish to enable TFTP, FTP, HTTP DNS then you can enter server details from this screen.
Note for Session Manager Release B DNS should not be set up or if it is the Vega must have use FQDN disabled as Session Manager does not support FQDN in Release B.
One network parameter that is not set under LAN in NTP this is on the System Status Screen and should be set for ITS systems to use ITSadmin server for Session Manager use the same NTP that Session Manager is using.
Note when data is changed you must submit it or you will find that if you move away from the page all your changes are lost. In addition when changes are submitted they are not applied or saved unless you explicitly hit the Save and Apply Changes button which will become Red if the Vega detects there are unsaved or unapplied changes. I normally hit the apply button and save button at the end of each section.
3.3) POTS Configuration
Once the IP interface is set up next thing to do is set up the analog interfaces. To do this select POTS from Expert Config and you should see the following screen.
On this page ensure all modules are detected and they are placed in to PW mode. Once this is complete the analog ports should be setup.
3.4) Media Configuration
Select Media from Expert Config. Then click Modify on Capability Set 2.
In Cap Set 2 remove all capability indices except 3,2 and then submit the changes.
Note: If using Session manager only G711alaw is supported. In this case only leave 2 in the capability indices list.
Once this is complete then modify the Media Capability 2,3 and ensure the packet time is set to 20ms. As shown below.
3.5) SIP Configuration