Data API For Sangoma A101,A102,A104, A108 (E1/T1) and A142/A144 telephony Cards
Modes of operation
HDLC: The sample application runs on top of a hdlc interface and receives HDLC formated frames. HDLC framing is done in AFT hardware.
Transparent (Bitstreaming) Mode:Â The sample application runs on top of a raw transparent interface and receives all bits on the line in configurable block size. HDLC framing is turned off in hardware
Protocol API Mode:Â The AFT API can run on top of a protocol interface such as: PPP, CHDLC, ATM, Frame Relay. Support For S518 ADSL, Multilink PPP, PPPoE over ADSLÂ Â
LibSangoma Voice API
FreeTDM Signaling & Voice API
LibSangoma Voice API
FreeTDM Signaling & Voice API
Voice API used to build custom Voice applications over Sangoma telephony cards,on both Linux & Windows
Provides raw HDLC (dchan) framing, and raw ulaw/alaw (bchan) I/O
Customer application is responsible for signalling protocols and higher layer functions
Can be used for both network termination or tapping
Supported on all Sangoma Telephony cards Â
NOTE: The FreeTDM API is provided strictly AS-IS, with no support from Sangoma.
It is an API for the FreeTDM project
It is intended for custom development along with TDM and analog telephony cards
The FreeTDM API allows you to configure spans and run a given signaling stack on a span
The intention of the library is to present a consistent API for different telephony signaling stacks and board I/O APIs