Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Adding an External H.323 Gatekeeper
You can add up to 1024 external gatekeepers to which the H.323-configured IMG's will communicate. For each gatekeeper you can also configure up to six alternative gatekeepers.
Right-click on Dialogic IMG EMS and select New External Network Elements.
Right-click on External Network Elements and select New External Gatekeepers.
Right-click on External Gatekeepers and select New External Gatekeeper
See the IMG 1010 - External Gatekeeper pane reference for details.Enter the Gatekeeper Name and Gatekeeper IP Address. If you don't know the IP Address you can enter to broadcast for an available gatekeeper.
Enable Gatekeeper Auto Discovery if desired. The IMG will automatically send GRQ - Gatekeeper Request and RRQ - Registration Request to the external gatekeeper. The IMG can also Discover and Register with a gatekeeper manually using the buttons on the IMG 1010 - H.323 Signaling Object pane.
To add alternate gatekeepers (up to 6 per primary gatekeeper), right click the External Gatekeeper entry and select New Alternate Gatekeepers.
Enter the Gatekeeper ID, Gatekeeper Name and Gatekeeper IP Address. See the IMG 1010 - Alternate Gatekeepers pane reference for details.