Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - ClientView AutoSave

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - ClientView AutoSave



ClientView AutoSave feature gives the customer the option of auto saving the configuration file they are using at different time intervals up to 5 minutes. ClientView AutoSave will prevent losing data when users forget to save their configuration file or if there is a some unknown circumstances such as power failures or host reboots. The AutoSave feature can be enabled and disabled from the "Configuration AutoSave" object in Clientview.

Configuration Object:

The Configuration object in ClientView has an AutoSave feature hard coded into it. See screen capture below. The AutSave feature in ClientView can be enabled and disabled. The different fields will be explained below.

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ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions:


The Filename is the name the user will give to the configuration being created. The user can change the name at any time. With autosave feature enabled a file .sav will be created in the /opt/dialogic/common/config directory with the same name given in the filename field.

Auto save interval:

When the AutoSave interval field is selected a drop down menu will allow for the following choices

  • Disable the AutoSave Feature

  • A time interval ranging from 1 to 5 minutes which will enable the feature. If any changes are made and not manually saved then the changes will be saved at the interval configured above into a .sav file. The file that was changed will now update at the interval selected.
    Last Time AutoSaved:

The "Last Time Auto Saved" field displays the following:

  • A timestamp of when the configuration was last saved through the AutoSave feature.

  • If a change was made to the configuration file and not saved the wording "pending" will be displayed. (See above screen capture) This will be displayed until either the configuration is manually saved or the Auto Save feature saves it.

  • If the user should save the configuration manually through menu, the "Last Time Auto Saved" field will be cleared to indicate that no .sav file exists and no changes are pending. This is shown in screen capture below!SC_AutoSave_notimestamp.png|title=!


Below are a few examples explaining functionality and  how the AutoSave Feature will work

  • The feature is disabled - The AutoSave feature will not run. It is up to the user to manually save the configuration file after making changes.

  • The feature is enabled and the time interval is set to 5 minutes.

    • If a change to the configuration is made through ClientView and is not manually saved then at the configured 5 minute interval the new configuration will automatically get saved as a .sav file. The new file just created is saved in /opt/dialogic/common/config.

    • The Configuration AutoSave Pane will display (pending) between the file being changed and the file getting saved. From here on the file every five minutes, the AutoSave feature will check to see if a change has been made since the last "Manual Save" or last "AutoSave". If there is a change pending, the file will get saved. If no changes are pending there will be no auto save made and the check will be performed again in 5 minutes. If any changes are made to any part of the configuration the (pending) will reappear until the next 5 minute interval.

  • The feature is enabled. A change is made to the configuration file and the user immediately saves the file.

    • Once the file is saved through ClientView then any .sav file that was created will get deleted since the configuration file (.csa file) accurately reflects the current configuration.

  • The feature is enabled and changes were made through ClientView. There is a power failure some time later and the GCEMS reboots. How do I load the latest configuration file if I'm not sure if I did not manually save my changes?

    • Located in /opt/dialogic/common/config there is a configuration file with a .csa extension and a configuration file with a .sav extension. In order to load the latest file with all the recent changes, follow the steps below. See screen capture below.

    • Start GCEMS. Select the redundancy mode primary or secondary. Select 1 (Yes) when asked if you would like to start a new configuration. See screen capture below


    • Once this screen closes, open up ClientView

    • Log into Clientview and a screen like below will appear. Select the button "Load"

    • The next screen to appear will be the Select Configuration File screen. Highlight the configuration file you would like to load. This screen will only have .csa files. Select the .csa file and select OK. If there is not a newer .sav file then the IMG will reboot and configure to the .csa file selected.

    • If there is a .sav in /opt/dialogic/common/config then a screen like the following will appear.

    • If you select "Open Auto Save File" then the following will occur

      • The latest configuration file will be loaded to the IMG.

      • The .sav file will be saved as a .csa file

      • The old .csa file will be moved to the backup directory

    • If you select "Open User Saved File" then the following below will occur

      • The last configuration file that was saved manually through the File --> Save Configuration File will be loaded to the IMG.

      • The .sav file will be moved to the backup directory

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